Thursday, August 19, 2010

retro kids clothing Five kind of bad food habits affect the child health

An item makes study the child family diet and the nutrition health care present situation research investigation before 1258 baby families demonstrated that five big bad usual practices, immediate influence child psychology and the physiological health, to a certain extent, causes each kind of child disease's occurrence, these five big bad usual practices in the following 11 introductions.

Bad usual practice (1): Seeing fries in oil food to be greedy

Many children like eating the pork chops, explodes the chicken leg and explodes the earth thick wire and so on to fry in oil food,(Related Articlespumpkin patch kids clothing Communicates with the), because is also fragrant is also crisp, is truly very delicious. But because fries in oil kind of food to eat many too, affects the normal appetite, the appetite example also repeatedly occurs, many children even also appear obese, losses of appetite and so on.

The expert believed that says from the healthy angle, fries in oil food not to be suitable eats. First, fries in oil food not to be easy to digest, eats is easy gastric disease. Child's gastro-intestinal tract function did not have the growth to be completely mature, after high temperature food enters in the stomach,retro kids clothing, will damage is bad for the stomach the mucous membrane, but gastritis. The fat will produce one kind under the high temperature to be called the acrylic acid the material, this material very stodginess.

Will eat the child who will fry in oil food to feel that the chest will be depressed swells, will be disgusting, the vomit or the dyspepsia, after the individual child will eat fried in oil food, continual several not to be able to eat meal.

Next, before food fries in oil, the semblance must wrap up stratification plane wheat-flour paste frequently. Under the high temperature, in bread flour Vitamin B1 is destroyed all, therefore eats for a long time fries in oil food to be able to have the Vitamin B1 deficiency; But the oil will use repeatedly under the high temperature will produce one kind of carcinogen. Many family customs explode food oil to deposit, uses repeatedly, this procedure to the body is harmful.

According to the stipulation, in one day of meals the heat energy which provides by the fat should account for entire day the heat energy total quantity 25% to 30%., but eats the child who frequently fries in oil food, every day the heat energy which provides by the fat surpasses the above target obviously, therefore very easy to appear obese. Has asthma's child regarding some, eats the pungent kind to fry in oil food frequently possibly to aggravate the condition.

Bad usual practice (2): The puffed food is unable to put down every day

The potato chips, the snow cake, shrimp strip these foods mostly take the bread flour, foods and so on millet and potato as raw material, the process fry in oil, the heating or the increase raising agent processing becomes. These puffed food taste is mostly tasty, the packing is novel, some also in Canada has the toy, the small picture album attracts the child vision. Fragrant, crisp, crisp, the sweet puffed food ate the tricky child's mouth, caused some children not to be willing not to eat how many fresh taste vegetables, did not hope the delicious full meal and so on, even treated as these foods the staple food, but some were also let matters drift to the child.

The puffed food has four high characteristics: Gao Tang minute, high fat, high quantity of heat and quite high monosodium glutamate content. In view of the fact that the puffed food will have four high characteristics, the child eats many excessively will destroy the nutrition to be balanced. Moreover the puffed food easy to create the full feeling, affects dines normally, will hinder the body to the nutrients absorption. Boils the system on the traditional fire pivot in the puffed rice, will also have the micro lead to enter in which. The expert suggested that to avoid the puffed rice and so on micro lead causing the harm to the child, first lets the child as far as possible little eat; Next, do not let the child as far as possible in empty stomach's time treats as fills in belly's thing to eat. Because in empty stomach's situation, the puffed rice and so on includes the lead is specially easy by the human body to absorb; Finally, the child eats the thing wants comprehensive somewhat as far as possible, do not foster eats between-meal snack the custom.

Bad usual practice (3): Is addicted to the food sweets and the sweet taste drink

Likes eating the sweets is each child's hobby. Many guardians reflected that the child likes generally eats the sweet taste the small dessert, the cold drink, the fruit juice and various between-meal snack, the following sweets syndrome also repeatedly occurs. The parents have not guided consciously, is the substantial clause.

Demonstrated in the investigation that the sweets and the meats are two kind of foods which the baby most likes eating, when its selectance respectively achieves 21.8% and 21%. in food which the choice likes, besides delicious, food flavor's quality is also the child likes, does not like the edible primary cause.

Now, the carbohydrate dessert and all kinds of between-meal snack feeling in the mouth are not only good, the packing is also very magnificent, has the enticement which regarding the child plants cannot block. However, eats the candy actually possibly to bring the energetic aspect for a long time to the child the hidden danger,homemade baby gift baskets, causes the child mood to be excited, concrete manifestation for prone to crying good noisy, likes having a fit of temper, moves actively, easy to be agitated.

Fudan University attached department of pediatrics hospital child care expert Xu Xiu indicated that regarding the sweets, was not said the child could not eat absolutely, but was should give a reasonable proportion. The nutritionist advocated, in child's recipes, protein, fat and carbohydrate (including carbohydrate dessert and between-meal snack) the proportion should maintain at 1�?�? level. At the same time, after meal eats the sweet snack is the best way, if before meal, ate to the full has instead affected the full meal appetite.

Bad usual practice (4): Does not have the breakfast hurriedly to go to school

Discovered in the investigation that baby's breakfast condition anxious .11.2% children are not have the breakfast every day. But 24.6% are because the parents work hours are tight, must hurry along, 3.9% children on the road, on the stall use the breakfast.

The child does not have the breakfast the reason to have several aspects, 58.5% children are because does not have the appetite, because 17.2% children want to hurry along without enough time, because 7.4% children in the time tight family make or the purchase without enough time, 0.2% child are to lose weight,unique baby gifts, but also some 16.6% children have other reasons.

And, more than half child does not have the appetite to have the breakfast, is mainly because of evening's between-meal snack, after the dinner as well as food other foods eats many excessively creates. Dinner excessive, the breakfast does not eat phenomenon continuously for a long time hence, not only will aggravate the child in the evening sleep's burden, will also affect the digestion, internal secretion. Because urges the child long high hormone is at night secretes, the time has been long, will affect the growth. But the breakfast does not eat, easy to cause the child daytime to attend class does not have the spirit, the attention not to be centralized, is too fond of sleep, affects the study.

Bad usual practice (5): The fries fast-food becomes the potluck

The fast-food is high salty food, contains the sodium to baby's heart, the kidney organ has the possibility to pose the threat. Babies and infants' kidney grows far immature, does not have ability to discharge in the blood excessively many sodium, will thus receive the excessive table salt the injury. But the age is more young, receives the injury is bigger.

Similarly, Gao Yan also causes one which of factors the blood pressure elevates. Now, ten several year-old child suffers from hypertension, these child some in babies and infants time Chang Chi the salty fast-food, like have fried in oil the potato chips, the sandwich or the biscuit and so on. Takes in the salinity to be excessively many, but also possibly causes in vivo potassium outflow, but potassium to human body muscle (including heart muscle) the contraction and the relaxation have the influential role, excessively many outflows will cause the heart muscle to be feeble, function decrease. The long-term high quantity of heat, the high-protein foods also possibly initiate child adult sickness and so on fatty liver.

The expert suggests the guardian, lets the child little have the fast-food as far as possible, specially do not use the fast-food to take the supper. Even if must eat, is also not suitable chooses the fries, fries in oil the animal meat contour salt, high fever food, but should choose the vegetables, Vitamin rich variety. As for the taste, encourages child as far as possible light somewhat.

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