Monday, August 16, 2010

baby accessories Baby attention training classics game

Studies the difficulty, is because the attention has not developed. Therefore famous study front door. Therefore, trains baby's attention is teacher and the baby early time (1-2 years old)

Growth outline:

This time's baby from crawls the staircase or the furniture to walks independently, may play soccer, can slightly run, and even both feet jumps;

Can knock, pushes, turn over object, then nesting object;

From attempts itself to eat meal, will pour water to later with the cup does not sprinkle, will like itself taking a bath;

Will turn the page to read, can read the drawing to amount to for several seconds, then may distinguish 2 or the above object;

Is first puts the different thing on the same place,baby accessories, discovered that the new function, later can draw the object and the animal, has the color difference, and can note between the object the difference, but also likes itself arranging the story.

Recommendation game:

1. wears the hat

This is a pair game, the baby early time (2-3 years old)

Growth outline:

Will ride the baby carriage

Free will twist off or twists the cover

Can remember object in room position

The vocabulary reaches above 200, can say that contains several characters the sentences

The mercurial mood, will have a friend (security sense origin)

Has soon after the food concept, will solve the problem, will have the digital concept, will classify

Can do basically according to adult's request

Map-read self-explanation question

Recommendation game:

1. passes on the intimate conversation

2 year-old big child is in a stew specially to the intimate conversation, when they can speak the intimate conversation, they can be very proud. Said that the intimate conversation can the effective help baby focus the attention, meanwhile is helpful in the baby studies is adjusting the intonation.

Concrete method nimble diverse, for instance we tell the child low voice first a few words: In the refrigerator has the watermelon and the apple, does not have the drink. Then lets the child tell other family member with the intimate conversation form, inspects the accuracy again afterward, changes the intimate conversation according to the result the content and the length, gradually enhances game's difficulty from Yi Daonan.

2 meet the number game

Preparation: Digital card. When game, the guardian shows 1-10 digital cards, the child looked, reads out the digit one by one. First understood that digital the arrangement, and deepens its impression. Then sets the request, the guardian says several integers, the child then downward counts with guardian equally many numbers, for example: Guardian several 1,2,3, child several 4,baby gift,5,6; The guardian several 6,7, after the child goes several 8,9. child will play,unique baby gifts ideas, may let the child count first, the guardian will meet the number.

What needs to explain, the reader friend do not the game park which recommends for me, many game like polarizations of rich and poor, look differently, and so on is very better than the length, hoped that everybody can display own ability and wisdom to create a more amusing more beneficial game. Article/Meng Qian

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