Monday, August 23, 2010

retro kids clothing DOTA order, dota pattern and dota order.

In the DOTA game after the carriage return may input the following dota order, please add - (minus) before all dota instruction, the red part for the instruction which must know

dota order pattern
Normal/regular, does not have the pattern

ap/allpick, plays the hero who the family may be possible to choose in the bilateral tavern. Most common game pattern

ar/allrandom, plays the family random selection the hero from the bilateral tavern.

tr/teamrandom, plays the family random selection the hero from one's own side tavern.

mr/moderandom, from above 4 kind of patterns random selection one kind of pattern.

cm, needs 10 to play the family to start in .2 teams, first each side forbids 4 heroes, altogether 8 ~ then according to 1-2-2-2-2-1 smooth selection hero, a ban side elects first first, most common competition pattern

vr/voterandom, after the pattern starts, each team has 3 kind of stochastic heroes to combine may choose, plays the family to be possible to use - optionn(n=1,2,3) to vote. Number of votes most combinations will be used.

dm/deathmatch, in this pattern, if you died, then you will lose that hero, then hero's choice (ap/ar/tr/normal) decided according to the union use's pattern.

id/itemdrop, after the hero died, will not lose money, but will throw the goods.

sc/supercreep,(Related ArticlesKids Clothes The children do mental arithmetic ora),retro kids clothing, in the game will present the super dogface, these super dogfaces will be very strong, but will throw many Qian He to experience.

em/easymode, weakens the tower, more experiences, more regular money (13g/8sec)

np/nopowerup, does not have the Taoist magical figures.

ai/allagi, can only elect the intelligence hero.

as/allstr, can only elect the strength hero.

aa/allagi, can only elect the agile hero.

sp/shuffleplayers, redistributes two side teams to play the family stochastically.

mm/mirrormatch, nearby two will use the same hero.

du/duplicatemode, the identical hero may choose, stochastic innumerable times.

sh/samehero, plays the home use identical heroic dota order completely.

wtf, does not have cooldown, infinite evil spirit.

miakamode, oneself with look�� did not explain.

rd/randomdraft, selects 20 heroes stochastically from the complete tavern, the opener for the stochastic blue color or the pink color, elects the hero by 1-2-2-2-2-1 ways, obsolete, then locates random, selects stochastically from this 20, and starts the money and not the random dissimilarity. Most common game pattern

weatherrain, rains

weathersnow, snows

weatheroff, stops raining

dota order
random, does not consume the money to choose heroic. - rd stochastically

repick,kids clothing wholesale, separately in pick or in the non-pick pattern, loses 150g/400g., if is the pick pattern, then you may choose a hero; If is non-pick, that can only the random selection.

ma/matchup, demonstrates opposite party tidying up.

ms/movespeed, demonstrates own traveling speed.

the unstuck,60 second cannot move, then own returns to the base.

recreate, Naix (dog), Terrorblade(TB), DragonKnight(DK), Banehallow (werewolf) can use the instruction, starts nearby the water seepage, 2 minutes cannot move then create a hero. This act uses for to cope with avatar out of control bug.

disablehelp, teammate Chen testoffaith (loyal test) will not be able to put on your body.

enablehelp, cancels disablehelp.

cs/creepstats,baby dolls, the computation killed how many dogfaces also to have instead makes up.

refresh, lets PA changes transparent.

cson, demonstrated that the dogface counts the board.

csoff, hides the dogface to count the board.

swaphero, exchanges the hero with the teammate, only may use the game time 90 seconds ago, moreover only may use one time.

gameinfo, demonstration game's pattern.

hidemsg, will not receive the news which the hero died.

unhidemsg, cancels hidemsg

option1, casts a first kind of lineup ticket.

option2, casts a second kind of lineup ticket.

option3, casts a third kind of lineup ticket.

in music cut game's music

showdeny, opposite party or instead makes up the successful time presents `! '

di, this is cson+showdeny, demonstrated makes up/instead makes up the kneading board most commonly used instruction

noswap, the teammate is unable to you to request that exchanges the hero

notop/-nomid/-nobot(-nt/-nm/-nb) on//under road does not dispatch troops

weatherrandom, every 5 minutes transform a time weather effect (effectively stochastically only to myself)

rollxxx (xxx is 1 to 2000 in digit, this order may lose xxx in a random number)

test, may, in the multi-people play use the single plane order, causes the test becomes more convenient

goldxxxx may increase xxxx money under the test pattern

noherolimit may select many heroes under the test pattern

lvlupxx may disposable promote xx level under the test pattern

nr, does not allow to choose the hero

mute, forbids Lian Shayin the effect


ts, may cause the terrain demonstration for the snowy area (dota main engine order)

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