Thursday, August 19, 2010

designer kids shoes The Guangdong nearly 20% middle school student physique spot check does not pass

Yesterday, Guangdong Province middle-school student physique monitor in Guangzhou seventh middle school hold, more than 300 participated in the physique monitor sampling activity in the school student. The sampling result showed that the majority of student physique is in 70-80 point between the general level, nearly 20% student physique do not pass an examination.

It is known that this monitor content mainly includes enrolled student's physical quality and the physical ability monitor, the appraisal, and monitors the expert scene by the national physique to provide the science direction for the monitor object. This is the entire province first time carries on the physique condition appraisal for the middle-school student.

The protein fat nature lacks

Because contacts the physique monitor for the first time,designer kids shoes, yesterday many students felt specially excitedly. Reporter in the scene saw that the student only need stand several minutes on the monitor, both hands connection coupling, can through organism ingredient analysis, the fat analysis, the water analysis, the overall assessment, project and so on weight control tests, obtain a final health appraisal score. But the expert on the scene will act according to each person's physique monitoring result to give schoolmates the science the fitness instruction as well as the exercise prescription, advisory services and so on nutrition prescription.

Reporter from schoolmates' physique monitoring result saw that the majority of middle-school student physique can obtain 70-80 between scores, only then little the partial students can attain about 90 points. Regarding this, the expert analyzes: between 70-80 points belong to the general level, above 90 points for outstanding.

According to analysis by experts, the middle-school student physique existence most major problem is mainly the protein, the fat nature nutritional status lacks, the muscle controlling force is bad, moreover the growth complete middle-school student body weight has not been light, has grown the complete student body weight the overweight question also to be worth taking seriously.

Puts the blame on the reason, too lacked exercises. A female expert on the scene supplemented.

High-school student physical education deflation

Reporter visits many between schools to find that the junior high pupil exercises excessive,(Related Articlesbaby doll girlicious The Carter Linna cohabitant g), the high-school student exercises lacks,preemie baby dolls, so the polarization phenomenon is really obvious.

Daily exercise good tired, because our third day tests needs to test the sports,infant girls clothes shop, therefore has the stipulation physical training time every day, third day female student young Schoolmate Deng complained to reporter. Now, first day second day the student also started for this test to provide for a rainy day, eliminates every Wednesday hall sports to be extracurricular, moreover each week hall's free active time is also the physical training actually.

Meanwhile, high-school students because actually the college entrance examination does not have the sports subject of examination, the physical education by the deflation is one week two hall pitifully. But on approaches time the test, this each week two hall's physical educations have the possibility to sacrifice.

The student thought that the health is also very difficult

Said since birth regarding the elementary and middle schools that the school is they carry on the physical training the most main place. But, the sports, the fine arts, music becomes the fact which dispensable small three already do not struggle, when necessity, small three may momentarily yield in decided that the student enters a higher school destiny big six ......Yesterday, in the interview, many guardians expressed the anxiety to child's physique: Under the such not unwritten education system, the student thought that the health is also very difficult!

Moreover, also some guardians believed that the foreign-style fast-food runs amuck, the diet indefinite tense, stays up late and so on reasons also to cause the middle-school students physique continuously to drop seriously.

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