Thursday, August 19, 2010

kids clothes The Zhejiang 30,000 exceptional children meet the preschool education difficult problem

The life, must always have the worrying matter. The child goes to school, old person sees a doctor, the domestic dispute, the neighborhood dispute,kids clothes, the treatment is unfair, the rights and interests suffer injury ......

The reader seeks help

My request is not high

The kindergarten registration is every year's early June generally, but the previous month (at the beginning of April) had a mother the small phoenix (alias) to find Dan the Green Gang you to be busy at the column, hoped that the painting could look for the kindergarten in every month for hers daughter.

The small phoenix said that according to the normal condition, the daughter should in every month on the kindergarten middle shift, but because contracts the congenital heart disease (in medicine to be called first worry) in every month, the kindergarten was not full up as by has turned down take the name, was said that turned head long with the garden discussed did not have the message.

The small phoenix said that he can understand these rejection in every month kindergarten, but has undergone the surgery in every month, the surgery is also very successful,homemade birthday gifts for kids, and has the medicine which the hospital writes up to prove, proved may go to school in every month. Besides cannot participate in the strenuous exercise, the present state of health is very in every month good.

My request is not high, so long as had the kindergarten to admit suffices in every month. The small phoenix said.

Reporter visits

Is a lovable little girl in every month

The small phoenix is the Zhejiang Lishui person, husband Jiang Ming (alias) the native place in Anhui countryside, at present rents in the Jianggan District scenery fragrant three areas, the couple has a document printing society in Hang Chengkai.

Is in every month on August 29, 2006 in the Zhejiang University attached Shao Yifu hospital birth, the second day is found out contracts congenital heart disease - - pulmonary artery block system .2007 year in June, the couple delivers the Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical school attached Shanghai child medicine center to carry on every month the corresponding radical operation.

Is in every month a lovable little girl, about the stature 100 centimeters, the short hair, sees reporter, then on own initiative takes the Pinyin card elder brother, the elder brother (sound) ......Reads to reporter listens.

The small phoenix said that because could not enter the kindergarten in every month, also worried that she lost on the starting line, therefore bought many Pinyin, was literate the card, oneself could teach how many to teach how many.

If this year cannot go to school again, can only return to her native place Anhui to go ......Jiang Ming speaks the sound is getting more and more light.

Because is sick in every month, therefore the couple even more love her, the couple also decided that does not prepare to have two children temporarily. He said that is saving money diligently, but also wants to wait for the house price to get down in the future, prepares to buy a set of house to settle down in Hang Cheng.

The kindergarten is also very awkward

Can not receive, as far as possible does not receive

Afterward, reporter has visited the Hangzhou city 3 kindergartens (armor, the second grade, third), the armor garden has one at present in every month the child, is reading the middle shift; The second grade garden expressed before had received, but only in the morning study, noon guardian on jiehui family, lunch and midday nap not in kindergarten; The third garden has not bumped into this kind of child until now.

Three kindergartens indicated that (refers to exceptional child community) in every month regarding the child, the kindergarten also very much intertwines, very wants to help from the sentiment, but dares to receive not greatly.

Three kindergartens gave on with one voice successively reporter a class: The child is the special child in every month, but to present industry in said the mental handicap child and so on special groups also have the difference, also needs to protect specially, needs the special personnel fund equipment. But the present Hang Cheng kindergarten is generally 20 to 30 people, the existing teachers strength takes into consideration with difficulty radically, its demand also only then the government can undertake.

A chief to Reporter Tanzania Chen, if does not belong to the school district, can not receive, as far as possible does not receive.

Reporter involves

The related department grants please in every month do feel relieved

Similar in every month such exceptional child community, faces in the land is going to school the difficult problem.

The material demonstrated that at present Hangzhou only contracts autism's child population then not to be below 3000 people, and by every year 20% speed increase, if adds on the other type special crowd, is a big number.

Reporter further found that Hangzhou city the more well-known exceptional child community preschool education organization, has the Zhejiang Province disabled person to be restored to health at present the instruction center mental handicap (autism) the child recover center - - blue apple paradise (next to call blue apple paradise) with the Zhejiang civil administration recover center (original Zhejiang children with disabilities recover center, also said that Zhejiang loves lucky hospital).

The blue apple paradise is the entire province intelligence children with disabilities and the autism child is restored to health the technological resource center and the business management department, is specially 6 year-old below mental handicap, the autism, the brain paralysis, children and so on speech disorder provides the early recovery education, comprehensive services and so on family instruction. Loves the lucky hospital is a collection recovery, the medical service, special education, training, scientific research in a body's pure public welfare class welfare services organization.

But compares Beijing Shanghai and so on big city, Hangzhou face the exceptional child community's preschool education resources,baby dolls, obviously is also very deficient.

Reporter afterward many times with the related education Department responsible for the work feedback and the communication, the related department people in charge told reporter yesterday, might let the child go to nearby the kindergarten registration first, if is resisted, they will plan arrange, please in every month feel relieved.

If your child also belongs to the exceptional child community, similarly faces like such goes to school in every month the difficult problem, please relate with us.

- expert segment

The East China Normal university preschool education is psychological faculty working office Director Zhou Nian Li

The fusion education should raise the system stratification plane

The child definitely may in every month with on the other child same kindergarten,(Related Articleskids toys Welcomes the second technology to test H), but needs to fuse the education environment to support.

At present advocated that the exceptional child and the normal child accepts the early fusion education the thought not yet to form together, causes the nation hundreds of thousands to have the special need babies and infants to resist in the ordinary kindergartens and daycare centers organization wrong side of the door.

56 years ago, our topic-based group in a Shanghai kindergarten development early time fusion protection's and education's experiment, the result normal baby entered preschool the population to reduce half from the very beginning! Many normal child's guardians believed that own child and on the special groups child kindergarten, certain meeting progress or has not changed silly together. But afterward consummated the raise system lets the children grow very quickly, the guardian also gradually transformed the idea.

The safeguard fusion education both must at the most, and must vertical. Is at the most the government gives the policy support macroscopically; Vertical is kindergarten teacher, the guardian idea change.

At present makes the fusion to educate Beijing to have kindergarten 73, Shanghai 12. Hangzhou may cultivate several strength quite abundant main item kindergarten first, then eagerly anticipates other kindergartens by the main item kindergarten to attempt the early fusion education gradually.

Blue apple paradise person in charge Sun Aijun

The rescue recovery regards the fusion education

The special groups refer to the hearing, the body, the spirit, the vision and so on have of physical disabilities or illness, before needing the special care the person .6 years old, is the rescue recovery education best time, but the way regards in the kindergarten or the elementary school accepts the early fusion education.

Present stage Hangzhou becomes the scale to unfold the fusion education condition to be limited, but may organize by the Educational department, carries on kindergarten teacher to fuse the pedagogical knowledge training, may also be courtyard this training (various kindergartens organizes voluntarily), eliminates the kindergarten to every month the child and so on special groups child's resistance psychology, achieves is confident at heart.

What needs to pay attention, the fusion education is not absolutely mixes the education, the fusion education is the ordinary teacher and the special teacher each other cooperation, educates the student together. Teacher should concentrate the student ability raise, but deals with student's physiological barrier merely.

- links one

The early fusion education, is refers to lets have the special need babies and infants and the normal growth companion accepts the preschool education together. Started from the 1990s, the early fusion education already became the research area which some economically advanced countries and the area paid attention together. In these countries and the area, the early fusion's idea was already approved by the majority professionals, before and has formed the quite systematic study, protection and education theory and the development model.

- links two

when in 2001 national census, once to 0 to 6 year-old child single row sample investigation.

According to the investigation, at that time the nation in 0 to 6 year-old child had 1,395,000 person of children of physical disabilities, presently contracting rate is 1.362%, the discovery rate is 1.946%. nation increases every year 0 to 6 year old of children with disabilities the approximately 199,000 people. And Zhejiang Province 0 to 6 year old of intelligence disability approximately 25,100 people, autism approximately 0.459 people, energetic disability approximately 0.272 people, multiple disabilities approximately 0.85 people.

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