Monday, August 23, 2010

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My family Huang Haolin voting website is votes for me,baby gift ideas, certainly returns throws! Thanks!on January 15, 2004 this day, forgot with difficulty, in father and mother did not have under the sufficient preparation, you have stayed just for 8 months in mother's stomach,top 10 gifts for kids, also has more than 20 days to the expected date of childbirth,(Related Articlesdesigner kids clothing From 7 to 11 brand consciousness pe), you impatiently must walk, but doctor said you possibly only then three catties multiple time, really has scared father and mother, but did not have the means that mischievous you had to come out not to be possible, at that time only had the choice Caesarean birth, result you 5.4 catties. No wonder doctor said that you are come out the bean for quick to profits, because also had five days on the new year. But the weather is too cold, you so are also thin and small, must therefore place you in the insulation can sleep,luxury gifts for kids, you rested in the insulation can enough had three days. We have treated for five days in the hospital, happily has gone home the new year.The young young, your arrival is the heaven gives father and mother most greatly to be best the most precious gift, father and mother hopes you to be healthy, happy, grows joyfully!

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Study thing - - imagination.

In baby's sensation ability, said that is very important one item. The baby already could use now describes the position preposition, for example: Is putting the cup on the tea table. He (she) can also carry on the simple dialog with other people, and can express or stress that own intention 0.1 an approximately 3-and-a-half year-old baby already might grasp 1000 words the vocabularies, he (she) can also understand more words.

If is on the kindergarten baby, the kindergarten collective life has exercised ability which the baby and the human is together, the baby has also learned many knowledge from the kindergarten, may carry the nursery song, writes, but also had understood politeness treats people. When the baby has learned the polite expression, gets in the home, he (she) will exchange anxiously with the family member. When baby skilled with please with thanking, can certainly be happy. This stage's baby is very friendly, is willing to share the toy with other people and to play the toy in turn. For can obtain the wish thing, he (she) had already learned the patience waiting. The baby starts with other children to cooperate together plays, but was not plays respectively each, in played together in the child, had the friend who the baby most was friends with. However, how to treat other people fairly as well as how to solve the question aspect, the baby still needed some instructions.

When the baby can distinguish some strange or the strange matter, looks like in the baby,cheap kids clothing stores, some absurd or accident's matter is that interesting. Sometimes you will discover that the baby will say some stupid or the meaningless words, will also possibly fear black,(Related Articlesroxy kids swimwear [quick news]EHOME official YY e), will be afraid some kind of animal or the insect. Regarding baby's dread, the parents want to treat earnestly, may discuss these fearful thing sincerely with him (her), helps the baby to eliminate this sense of fear.

Besides likes asking the question insistently, the baby can also distinguish the different color,baby boutique online, the size and the shape object, but also understood that many prepositions the meanings, may tell you the goods to place any position. The baby now is enormous regarding the study letter and the digital interest, but could also understands yesterday according to today and tomorrow.

When nearly 4 years old, baby's creativity is astonishing,toddler little girls clothes, in baby's brain has always filled the novel idea. Now he may hum the simple melody, regarding the familiar song, the baby can also be joined to the new word for it. The baby had still liked each family, moreover is willing to play the role game together with the child, now between he (she) and child's coordination already very tacit understanding. They will take the building block, the automobile, the animal picture and the foreign-style doll play the imaginal game together. Had the enough vocabulary, the baby has also been possible to play the role which in the book or designed.

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In the DOTA game after the carriage return may input the following dota order, please add - (minus) before all dota instruction, the red part for the instruction which must know

dota order pattern
Normal/regular, does not have the pattern

ap/allpick, plays the hero who the family may be possible to choose in the bilateral tavern. Most common game pattern

ar/allrandom, plays the family random selection the hero from the bilateral tavern.

tr/teamrandom, plays the family random selection the hero from one's own side tavern.

mr/moderandom, from above 4 kind of patterns random selection one kind of pattern.

cm, needs 10 to play the family to start in .2 teams, first each side forbids 4 heroes, altogether 8 ~ then according to 1-2-2-2-2-1 smooth selection hero, a ban side elects first first, most common competition pattern

vr/voterandom, after the pattern starts, each team has 3 kind of stochastic heroes to combine may choose, plays the family to be possible to use - optionn(n=1,2,3) to vote. Number of votes most combinations will be used.

dm/deathmatch, in this pattern, if you died, then you will lose that hero, then hero's choice (ap/ar/tr/normal) decided according to the union use's pattern.

id/itemdrop, after the hero died, will not lose money, but will throw the goods.

sc/supercreep,(Related ArticlesKids Clothes The children do mental arithmetic ora),retro kids clothing, in the game will present the super dogface, these super dogfaces will be very strong, but will throw many Qian He to experience.

em/easymode, weakens the tower, more experiences, more regular money (13g/8sec)

np/nopowerup, does not have the Taoist magical figures.

ai/allagi, can only elect the intelligence hero.

as/allstr, can only elect the strength hero.

aa/allagi, can only elect the agile hero.

sp/shuffleplayers, redistributes two side teams to play the family stochastically.

mm/mirrormatch, nearby two will use the same hero.

du/duplicatemode, the identical hero may choose, stochastic innumerable times.

sh/samehero, plays the home use identical heroic dota order completely.

wtf, does not have cooldown, infinite evil spirit.

miakamode, oneself with look�� did not explain.

rd/randomdraft, selects 20 heroes stochastically from the complete tavern, the opener for the stochastic blue color or the pink color, elects the hero by 1-2-2-2-2-1 ways, obsolete, then locates random, selects stochastically from this 20, and starts the money and not the random dissimilarity. Most common game pattern

weatherrain, rains

weathersnow, snows

weatheroff, stops raining

dota order
random, does not consume the money to choose heroic. - rd stochastically

repick,kids clothing wholesale, separately in pick or in the non-pick pattern, loses 150g/400g., if is the pick pattern, then you may choose a hero; If is non-pick, that can only the random selection.

ma/matchup, demonstrates opposite party tidying up.

ms/movespeed, demonstrates own traveling speed.

the unstuck,60 second cannot move, then own returns to the base.

recreate, Naix (dog), Terrorblade(TB), DragonKnight(DK), Banehallow (werewolf) can use the instruction, starts nearby the water seepage, 2 minutes cannot move then create a hero. This act uses for to cope with avatar out of control bug.

disablehelp, teammate Chen testoffaith (loyal test) will not be able to put on your body.

enablehelp, cancels disablehelp.

cs/creepstats,baby dolls, the computation killed how many dogfaces also to have instead makes up.

refresh, lets PA changes transparent.

cson, demonstrated that the dogface counts the board.

csoff, hides the dogface to count the board.

swaphero, exchanges the hero with the teammate, only may use the game time 90 seconds ago, moreover only may use one time.

gameinfo, demonstration game's pattern.

hidemsg, will not receive the news which the hero died.

unhidemsg, cancels hidemsg

option1, casts a first kind of lineup ticket.

option2, casts a second kind of lineup ticket.

option3, casts a third kind of lineup ticket.

in music cut game's music

showdeny, opposite party or instead makes up the successful time presents `! '

di, this is cson+showdeny, demonstrated makes up/instead makes up the kneading board most commonly used instruction

noswap, the teammate is unable to you to request that exchanges the hero

notop/-nomid/-nobot(-nt/-nm/-nb) on//under road does not dispatch troops

weatherrandom, every 5 minutes transform a time weather effect (effectively stochastically only to myself)

rollxxx (xxx is 1 to 2000 in digit, this order may lose xxx in a random number)

test, may, in the multi-people play use the single plane order, causes the test becomes more convenient

goldxxxx may increase xxxx money under the test pattern

noherolimit may select many heroes under the test pattern

lvlupxx may disposable promote xx level under the test pattern

nr, does not allow to choose the hero

mute, forbids Lian Shayin the effect


ts, may cause the terrain demonstration for the snowy area (dota main engine order)

keep baby socks The sexual knowledge education will ascend the elementary school higher grades class

Heard that the elementary student wanted to study the sexual knowledge, has been too early? Should better not be too thorough, until might, so as to avoid the child diverted attention. The other day, the Ministry of Education official announcement decided "Elementary and middle schools Health education Instruction Summary" newly made, many elementary school guardians were going to contact the related sexual knowledge for the child in the classroom to whoop. Reporter from the city Educational department found, is actually related the health education knowledge class, Jiaxing,keep baby socks, has already not been worth making much ado about nothing.

It is known that according to "Elementary and middle schools Health education Instruction Summary", elementary and middle schools each semester will arrange from now on 6 to 7 class hour healthy education and training divisions. From the elementary school 5,6 grades, the student will contact the related youth development period the related healthy hygienic knowledge. In addition, the junior middle school stage must increase the prevention narcotics and AIDS's knowledge,kids clothes, the high school stage, then emphasis understanding before the wedding sex act to physical and moral integrity harm.

"Summary" requests, elementary and middle schools' healthy education and training division content including five domains, namely the healthy behavior and the life style, the prophylaxis, the psychologically healthy, the growth and the puberty health care, safe emergency with takes refuge from danger. Grows the growth different period according to the child young people, divides into the level one (elementary school 1 to 2 grades), level two (elementary school 3 to 4 grades), level three (elementary school 5 to 6 grades), level four (junior middle school 7 to 9 grades), level five (high school 10 to 12 grades). Five domain content rational distributions to five levels of levels.

The country formulates "Summary" the goal lies in the education, makes the student to set up the healthy civilized the idea, but non-itself. City health education Assistant Manager Yu Huifang believed that present's young people grew the growth compared to before had is ahead of time, if the school did not open the similar curriculum,(Related Articlesbaby blanket knitting pattern The massive edible b), the student secretly will also care about these knowledge, but as a result of the knowledge origin channel diversification, had misleading is also possible, therefore was inferior that in the school the offer courses,punk baby clothes, favored regularly guides the student correctly.

The Lake Nanhu area teaches literary style bureau education section Xue Ming to indicate that is actually related the knowledge class standing grain city school in has already opened, does not only have excessively many to exaggerate, the related content disperses to "Sports And Health", "Psychologically healthy", "Synthesis Practice" and so on the curricula, my city Medical department has also compiled the elementary and middle school students "Health education Textbook", uses as the school place curriculum teaching material, carries on a series of health educations to the elementary and middle school students.

City experiment elementary school Assistant Director Shen Xiwen confirmed that the school always takes seriously to the student carries on the health education, every two Monday festival class has implemented many years in each grade, the teaching material is mainly "Health education Textbook which" the city health education arranges, school oneself has also compiled some simple collated and corrected copy teaching material, comes by the teacher in charge on. Sometimes the school unifies student's feedback opinion, by the school doctor through the broadcast and the course and so on many kinds of forms, carries on the puberty knowledge education to the student, relieves the student to meet puzzled and the worry in the development process.

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Collects fees expensively, the child is tired, but the high fever does not draw back as before - -

7:30 am to 9:30 Austria numbers, 10 o'clock to 12 Austria languages, 2:00 pm to 4 violin classes. This is the summer vacation first day, the elementary student Xiaomei's program arrangement.

Summer vacation crossed near half,little girl dresses, reporter interviews the discovery, many students travel between all day long between many training classes. Studies the intensity facing the child to be big, the training class charge soaring reality, one side the guardians struggle to the child the registration, is shouting at the same time also involuntary.

News prompt


One hour collects fees the ultra hundred Yuan,

Makes up 3 class half a month to spend 6000 Yuan


The child complained the training class is too tired, the guardian shouted straight the school expense is too expensive.

The child goes study in three decorative archway elementary school sixth grade Ms. Sun told the reporters, she gave the child to report one couple days ago slightly to rise at the beginning of English supplementary class, a 6 people of class, the daily 2 hours, 10 day-long expenditure is 1500 Yuan. Calculated down 1 hour is 75 Yuan, is very expensive. For the child, clenched teeth or hands over. Ms. Sun said.

I asked several training classes, the expense has a scare me. Ms. Li's son on immortal forest other school the fifth grade, she arrived after couple days ago Jiefang Rd.'s trains the organization consultation discovered that the kindergarten class for six and seven year olds curriculum is the Austria number, the Austria language,baby accessories, if must carry on the discipline to enroll in supplementary lessons, has 1 pair of 1 counselling, each hour 100 Yuan, on a class 2 hour, altogether want every day on for 16 days.

A class 3200 Yuan, 3 take 9600 Yuan. Ms. Li said that she consulted several to train the organization, the low-cost each hour 50-60 Yuan, the expensive each hour took 120 Yuan. She spends 6000 Yuan finally, trains the organization in one to register, makes up the phrase in half a month to the son, the number, outside 3 curricula.

Reporter found that to cater to the personalized demand which the vacation student makes up for a missed lesson, this year various organizations promote the curriculum is also all kinds, besides ordinary kindergarten class for six and seven year olds,(Related Articleskids clothing The trademark right infringement dis), but also has the one-to-one high-quality goods class and the 3A trust class and so on, 1 curriculum more than 10 day-long charges frequently are 1,000-2,000 Yuan. But the high quota expense has not let the guardian flinch, the most training class July's curriculum already reported fully, August's curriculum quota of people are also not much left.

On every day 6 hour training class,

The work achieves 11:00 pm


Child not on training class,

The guardian felt that feels nervous at heart

Last Saturday in the morning, reporter arrived located at Jiangsu road's some children trains the organization. Although is the two-day weekend, but the training organization and was attending class equally in the past. 12:00 pm, finish class the student gushes out the front door.

Hurried to go home to eat meal, finishes eating the food also to have the class. Just went out the front door, small town center elementary school fourth grade's Schoolmate Mei sped up the step under grandfather's urging. Schoolmate Mei told reporter, summer vacation first day of her arrives at the training class to attend class. Daily 7:00 am get out of bed, 7:30 rush to the training center, morning's Austria number and the Austria language wants on for 4 hours, in the afternoon also have 2 hour violin lesson, evening do one's assignment.

Just started to feel a little tired, but period of time got down are also used to it. Schoolmate Mei lowered the head said. One side grandfather said: We also very love dearly her, but everybody is attending class, now not the laborious spot, how later will compare with others.

English has arranged today 13 works, goes home to achieve the evening! Goes out the front door as soon as from Lhasa Road Elementary school second grade's Schoolmate Xiao in the complaint. He told the reporters, the school arrangement summer work is not many, on the contrary training class's work is very actually arduous. I do one's assignment every night must achieve 11 o'clock, latest one time to before dawn. Schoolmate Xiao said.

The child is resentful, the expense is high, why also has these many guardians to snatch must deliver the child the training class?

Does not spend lets him get up the training class, felt that is unfair to him. Ms. Li said that the son has put the summer vacation, every day watches the television, plays the computer, I looked anxiously at heart. Other children are attending class, if I do not report for him, the feeling is I is unfair to him.

Ms. Li also told the reporters, around her the friends and relatives family child all attends class in the training class, recently does the friend in the same place, chatted many is also the child have the newspaper training class. She wants to let the child summer vacation rest the idea, looks like in the friends is not good for the child, instead will harm the child. Has reported finally the class, knew perfectly well that this follows the crowd the psychological unseemly behavior, but feels involuntary.

Is different with Ms. Li, cool gate elementary school student guardian Ms. Zhang is decides from the very beginning must let the child participate in training. Her family child new semester rises the sixth grade,kids shoes, in the class has 28 students, 25 have reported the class in outside. Next year must slightly rise at the beginning, did not grasp the spot again, a child continually nice junior middle school on, regretted at the appointed time without enough time.

In the interview the majority guardians believed that summer vacation reports the class for the child is but the action. Chooses except the partial guardians lets the child enter the training class is because outside nobody looks, the most guardian views are quite consistent: The child is truly very tired, but the summer vacation two months cannot relax completely, need to charge.

News link

How does the overseas child cross the summer vacation

US: The child does not have summer vacation the work, the student to be possible to enter for in the vacation the Summer school, the study content is mainly the swimming, the picnic, plays a ball game and so on techniques, in addition has visits the bank and the police station, studies makes the bread, to the hospital attend patient, cleans up practice and so on dunghill to the bund.

France: In the summer, besides travels along with the parents, many student associations go to the library, the museum, the science and technology museum visit study. Many middle and elementary schools using the vacation, will also organize the student carry on the industrial tourism to the western or the south grape wine habitat, will let the student understand national the history and the tradition.

Japan: Is entering a higher school competition similarly intense Japan, the goal which the elementary and middle schools summer move actually stresses in influences and exercises student's sentiment and the will. Many student associations go to the open country using the long vacation to play, the observation nature, is intimate with the nature, the understanding nature. Educates the Department responsible for the work also to play the positive organizer's role in child's summer activity, or organizes the child to visit the exposition, or organizes the child to carry on the invention and creation competition.

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Some people said that the child prodigies are inborn, intelligence ordinary child again how diligently useless, but the Yang Yu flying child's experience, is to this view powerful rebuttal.
Assists the guardian to be the successful parents
For is not lost to own child on the starting line others, the guardians invested the huge painstaking care. But some guardians, because the counselling method is improper, the result actually works just the opposite, child's progress is very slow, father and mother also produced has frustrated the feeling. Does not have the improvement child facing the study, the guardian often wrongly to believe that the child does not like studying intentionally, wants to play all the time, and the compunction believed that will be the raise child only will then not cause such result. Actually, this is one kind of misunderstanding. Some children need the special recovery training, this kind of training is the individualizing, is suitable in child's special demand. As the saying goes: The parents are child's initiation teachers. The child in the school study's time is limited, but the majority of time and the parents in the same place, the family interaction pattern are noticeable regarding child grow's influence. Children good study habits' fostering, the perfect personality's formation, the parents are duty-bound. No wonder ' 3-character classic ' in said: The child does not teach,baby doll, father. Manner parents, must request the children strictly, supervises them to complete the study task, fosters the good study habits; Must often praise, encourages the child, stimulates interest which and power the child studies. At the same time, the parents should also pay attention to the education the way, if the way is improper, will also cause children's rebellious attitude. And, only then the family, the school coordination, the guardian and teacher joint effort, the child can the health, but grows joyfully. Based on this, Eastern gold tower school not only devotes in sharpens own teaching faculty, moreover also positively discusses the godchild with the guardian to experience, assists the guardian to be the successful parents.
In the teaching practice, Lian Huangcen encourages the guardians to exchange promptly with teacher, what counselling method can school teacher also in own tell the child the guardian to be most effective.
In daddy *** eye, 4 year old of 10 month big congeals is a very lovable daughter, simultaneously is also an active child, timid child. They discovered that the daughter usually studies the thing attention time to be short, and the attention is specially easy to disperse, meets difficultly very easy to flinch. Father and mother are holding the idea which tries, let congeal participated in the Eastern gold tower child potential Training school nucelius arithmetic custom.
Just started when studies the bead to do mental arithmetic, congeals may use energy, will not write the digit, will be more unfamiliar to 10 above digit, the time which will attend class always cannot sit still, carries the mnemonics always to record mixes, makes the topic error rate to be very high, moreover the interest will not be thick. Father and mother realize, the child has been too small, does not have the guardian to start the time accompaniment and counselling, the good custom is unable to foster. Therefore,baby accessories, mother starts to attempt and the daughter studies together. In order to let the child record clearly the primary mnemonics, does not confuse, mother has gotten down really the painstaking effort, any method has used, may congeal is not clear, is anxious mother straight to want to hit her. Whenever by now, congealed grasps *** the leg, a piteous appearance. At that time, the *** first thought was: Gives up, the child was too pitiful.
On the contrary, Mr./Mrs. Liu actually tells mother who congeals, the child has been progressing unceasingly, but progresses not the big reason to lie in the guardian to be too big to child's pressure, the education method was also improper, causes the child to have the rebellious attitude. While encourages which congeals, Mr./Mrs. Liu patiently is also enlightening mother who congeals. Indicated after Mr./Mrs. Liu's, congeals mother has understood, the mechanical memorizing, is not fastidious about the method is very difficult to mention the child to study the interest, only then holds child's characteristic, enables the child to master the knowledge in the daily life, is the most appropriate method. Mr./Mrs. Liu tells mother who congeals, all children master the knowledge to be quickest, most reliable time is in the game. In order to let the child the primary addition and subtraction mnemonics record clear, will record the jail, mother with congeals plays claps to play, for example: You add one, I add one, as soon as adds was equal to that reduces 9 adds 10 and so on, as soon as with asks the forms which, as soon as answers to carry on. When congeals responds, mother meets after the wedding expresses the reply to be correct, or stretches out the thumb to express that you are really good; But when congeals answers is wrong, mother uses to blow the nose to indicate that must pay attention. This already enhanced has congealed the study arid mnemonics interest, also let her learn one game method. Now congealed already plays together this game belt to the kindergarten and other child.
Congeals mother has understood finally: The outstanding child not hits, also not compels, but uses parents' compassion, teacher raises carefully. Had such cognition, utilizes the appropriate method, congealed progresses quickly, the knowledge grasped solidly, has not used the big effort nearly,baby doll, grasped very quickly added and subtracted the bead to do mental arithmetic.
Five year old of 4 month big Hua Hua the child in April, 2004 joined the Eastern gold tower school bead to do mental arithmetic the elementary class. Her performance has been very good, however when learns nine levels do mental arithmetic, actually has encountered the difficulty. Because work quantity's increase with several increases, does one's assignment for Hua Hua brings the very great difficulty, the accuracy is extremely low, sometimes 10 topics could wrong 9, do one's assignment do not look like formerly such have the patience. This caused the guardian also gradually to lose the patience, and sent several temperament 0.1 Hua Hua to her to propose to mother: I did not think that on the mathematics courses, has been too tired, I make the mistake to write you to teach me. Daughter's idea gave mother to touch very greatly: The daughter altogether reported several interest classes, the pressure has been too big, the time which played does not have nearly. And, the bead does mental arithmetic the time which takes to be most. Truly speaking, since the daughter does not have the interest, that. Aunt Hua Hua found the daughter to teach classes teacher in the class to discuss the idea, teacher corrected her this thought immediately: Each child when studies the bead does mental arithmetic can encounter like this such difficulty, if gives way before difficulties,(Related Articlesunique baby bibs [research]since 6.48 to 6.67 vari), to child's study and the growth is disadvantageous. At the same time, the guardian must control own mood, because does not want the mood to lose control causes child's contradiction. After this conversation, Aunt Hua Hua changed her attitude, regardless of busy by biggest patiently supervises her to complete the work; After completing the work, always gives the daughter some small encouragements, regardless of tired, accompanies her to outdoor to play. *** also traded the repayment diligently: The young Hua China rose into the intermediate class smoothly, made the topic speed to be also quick, originally more than one hours completed the topic only needed a half hour now. She also has the game which the leisure plays itself to like, looked likes books!

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Several days ago, Zhuji Anwar town Ms. Zhou the family 11 month big babies always appear are agitated restlessly, evening is not willing to go to sleep, but is also accompanied by the low heat. Ms. Zhou is hugging the baby hurriedly to the Zhuji People's Hospital seeing a doctor. Doctor carries on to the baby draws blood the chemical examination, finally demonstrated that baby's serum calcium is excessively high, diagnoses to take the acute poisoning which Vitamin D excessive causes.

Originally, in 2 month's ago physical examinations, the Ms. Zhou baby is found out lacks the calcium, Ms. Zhou goes the pharmacy to buy Vitamin D and the calcium tablet takes to the baby. Recently this period of time, also gave the baby to inject several Vitamin Dr. D. saying that the advertisement influence, the present guardian for the child was supplemented Vitamin D and the calcium became common practice. However, in makes up the calcium to make up in the Vitamin process, many guardians have many erroneous zones, like excessive makes up the calcium, takes Vitamin D massively, takes the calcium tablet, when the candy eats and so on,(Related Articlesunique baby gift baskets How to go to the elementa), not only these procedures cannot help the baby long body, will have the very tremendous adverse effect to his body. Supplemented that Vitamin D may promote the calcareous absorption, but must certainly grasp the dosage. If the baby supplemented every day Vitamin D above 4000 International units, Lian Fushu the month or the multiple large dose intramuscular injection, then initiates the poison.

Doctor said that the Vitamin D poison early time performance to loss of appetite,kids clothing, disgusting, is agitated restlessly,infant baby clothes, the low heat, subsequently presents the vomit, the diarrhea, the constipation, the body weight drops, is addicted to rests or is agitated and so on, heavy even possibly presents the convulsion, the blood pressure elevates,girls coats, heart rhythm uneven and so on. If diagnoses for the Vitamin D poison, must stop use Vitamin D and the calcium medicinal preparation immediately. Generally stops the clothing soon, child's physical condition will restore normally. Doctor said.

Doctor reminds, the calcium absorption use has many kinds of channels, regarding the child who lacks the calcium not obviously may through the meals make up the calcium balanced, like eats the bean product, foods and so on milk product and fish flesh, simultaneously lets the child sun makes the sport.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

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The husband said a moment ago tomorrow will have a vacation is called me to pass her elder sister family to play, said was her elder sister for him the telephone, but I did not have the receive phone calls saying that must be called me to go, really did not want to go,(Related Articlespersonalized fleece baby blanket Official novice g), was also not I puts on airs is assorted, she knew obviously his brother the company lives now, evening has not gone home, but also telephoned to be called him intentionally to eat meal, this was I telephoned to give when the husband asked that I said how to go to her family to eat meal, I was at a loss, because the present has not been assorted the matter I not to provoke as far as possible these is assorted the paternal aunt, because thought that now their disturbance has not crossed very well, also does not use every day against this against that therefore I thought that she has not telephoned to give me not to want to go really, if the husband has a vacation is called me to go, only then goes together, you said that I do this rightly? Before I was too have been serious them, therefore only then oneself in a that family status, daily by the human had not been said that this said that ohThe gas is really receives many, sometimes I thought I really exercises forbearance ability has been too strong, has a clear conscience really regarding them, also suffices them,kids clothing, when the human looked,baby flower girl dresses, is because they are husband's family members, therefore everywhere exercises forbearance, respects them at times, may I discover slowly is because I weak only then let them think that I good bullied crawl have come up to mine head, therefore the present is assorted does not want to manage,children's clothes, so long as well have been good, so long as the husband had me also to suffice at heart with the child, other people along with them then, did not want each time not to hearShould listen the words, the gas which should not receive that the thinking rich man must bully Qian Rennei have not been perfectly justified, the ghost knew that her this is assorted logic, oh

designer kids shoes The Guangdong nearly 20% middle school student physique spot check does not pass

Yesterday, Guangdong Province middle-school student physique monitor in Guangzhou seventh middle school hold, more than 300 participated in the physique monitor sampling activity in the school student. The sampling result showed that the majority of student physique is in 70-80 point between the general level, nearly 20% student physique do not pass an examination.

It is known that this monitor content mainly includes enrolled student's physical quality and the physical ability monitor, the appraisal, and monitors the expert scene by the national physique to provide the science direction for the monitor object. This is the entire province first time carries on the physique condition appraisal for the middle-school student.

The protein fat nature lacks

Because contacts the physique monitor for the first time,designer kids shoes, yesterday many students felt specially excitedly. Reporter in the scene saw that the student only need stand several minutes on the monitor, both hands connection coupling, can through organism ingredient analysis, the fat analysis, the water analysis, the overall assessment, project and so on weight control tests, obtain a final health appraisal score. But the expert on the scene will act according to each person's physique monitoring result to give schoolmates the science the fitness instruction as well as the exercise prescription, advisory services and so on nutrition prescription.

Reporter from schoolmates' physique monitoring result saw that the majority of middle-school student physique can obtain 70-80 between scores, only then little the partial students can attain about 90 points. Regarding this, the expert analyzes: between 70-80 points belong to the general level, above 90 points for outstanding.

According to analysis by experts, the middle-school student physique existence most major problem is mainly the protein, the fat nature nutritional status lacks, the muscle controlling force is bad, moreover the growth complete middle-school student body weight has not been light, has grown the complete student body weight the overweight question also to be worth taking seriously.

Puts the blame on the reason, too lacked exercises. A female expert on the scene supplemented.

High-school student physical education deflation

Reporter visits many between schools to find that the junior high pupil exercises excessive,(Related Articlesbaby doll girlicious The Carter Linna cohabitant g), the high-school student exercises lacks,preemie baby dolls, so the polarization phenomenon is really obvious.

Daily exercise good tired, because our third day tests needs to test the sports,infant girls clothes shop, therefore has the stipulation physical training time every day, third day female student young Schoolmate Deng complained to reporter. Now, first day second day the student also started for this test to provide for a rainy day, eliminates every Wednesday hall sports to be extracurricular, moreover each week hall's free active time is also the physical training actually.

Meanwhile, high-school students because actually the college entrance examination does not have the sports subject of examination, the physical education by the deflation is one week two hall pitifully. But on approaches time the test, this each week two hall's physical educations have the possibility to sacrifice.

The student thought that the health is also very difficult

Said since birth regarding the elementary and middle schools that the school is they carry on the physical training the most main place. But, the sports, the fine arts, music becomes the fact which dispensable small three already do not struggle, when necessity, small three may momentarily yield in decided that the student enters a higher school destiny big six ......Yesterday, in the interview, many guardians expressed the anxiety to child's physique: Under the such not unwritten education system, the student thought that the health is also very difficult!

Moreover, also some guardians believed that the foreign-style fast-food runs amuck, the diet indefinite tense, stays up late and so on reasons also to cause the middle-school students physique continuously to drop seriously.

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The manner parents always anxiously hoped that their child grow up in a big hurry has prospects, may be always unsatisfactory, often is contrary to what expects. We should realize this point, in the plane, between two spots,baby doll, the straight line is shortest. But in the real life, are more, is actually the curve is shortest.

In society barrier in the true sense, some only have not been the different points of view, different path. The human should look like the water same advance sometimes - -, if front is the place mountain, bypasses; If front is the plain, inundates; If front is the standing net, infiltrates; If front is a strobe, stops down, wait opportunity.

Did not know that everybody has when has heard the 19th century, Germany has to be called Henry , Xie Rieman the merchant, when his childhood once deeply was infatuated with ' the Homer epic poem ',baby gift, therefore darkly decides, once the future had the enough income, joins in the archaeology research.

Xie Rieman is very clear, carries on the excavation discovery and the research is needs many money, but their family circumstances are very poor. Between the reality and the ideal, does not have the straight line to be possible to walk, therefore he decided that walks the curve.

Therefore from 12 years old, Xie Rieman oneself makes money makes a living. He has been the apprentice successively, the sales clerk, the application sailor, the bank courier, afterward has also opened a commercial office in Russia. Many years later, Xie Rieman made one great money finally in the petroleum profession, when the people thought when greatly he will enjoy, he actually gave up business which was profitable, had the flower the complete time and the money to come up ideally in the pursue childhood.

in 1870, Xie Rieman started to the Troy ruins to carry on the excavation. Several years later, he excavated nine cities, and had found two Aegean Sea old city - - Maixini and ladder Linsi finally. Then, going out of business merchant Xie Rieman became has given change the Aegean Sea the civilization the first person, his archaeological discovery has the important meaning in the world history of civilization.

We should understand,crochet baby blanket, why was infatuated archaeology Xie Rieman to spend that many time to make money. Because many enterprises are likely same, the archaeology research is specially excavates, capital intensive investment, also needs the food and clothing without cause for grief the point of view. Since does not have the straight line, walks the curve; Without the opportunity,(Related Articlestoddler toys Today does not have the meaning), agglomeration energy.

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Revised certain good friend name list mistake.
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Revised one mistake which enables the locking press button to shine normally.
Will revise one to cause the unlocking angle of view button to click 2 mistakes.
Revised one to cause the non-heroic unit's all attribute demonstration is 0 mistakes.
The hideaway background picture option might now the normal work.
The troop head picture and the goal head picture enlarge 10%.
The detail level established for the first edition summoner high ground map has carried on the optimization.
Revised a vision which glistened to be wrong.
The frame number and the display delayed may open or close now (Ctrl+F).
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An item makes study the child family diet and the nutrition health care present situation research investigation before 1258 baby families demonstrated that five big bad usual practices, immediate influence child psychology and the physiological health, to a certain extent, causes each kind of child disease's occurrence, these five big bad usual practices in the following 11 introductions.

Bad usual practice (1): Seeing fries in oil food to be greedy

Many children like eating the pork chops, explodes the chicken leg and explodes the earth thick wire and so on to fry in oil food,(Related Articlespumpkin patch kids clothing Communicates with the), because is also fragrant is also crisp, is truly very delicious. But because fries in oil kind of food to eat many too, affects the normal appetite, the appetite example also repeatedly occurs, many children even also appear obese, losses of appetite and so on.

The expert believed that says from the healthy angle, fries in oil food not to be suitable eats. First, fries in oil food not to be easy to digest, eats is easy gastric disease. Child's gastro-intestinal tract function did not have the growth to be completely mature, after high temperature food enters in the stomach,retro kids clothing, will damage is bad for the stomach the mucous membrane, but gastritis. The fat will produce one kind under the high temperature to be called the acrylic acid the material, this material very stodginess.

Will eat the child who will fry in oil food to feel that the chest will be depressed swells, will be disgusting, the vomit or the dyspepsia, after the individual child will eat fried in oil food, continual several not to be able to eat meal.

Next, before food fries in oil, the semblance must wrap up stratification plane wheat-flour paste frequently. Under the high temperature, in bread flour Vitamin B1 is destroyed all, therefore eats for a long time fries in oil food to be able to have the Vitamin B1 deficiency; But the oil will use repeatedly under the high temperature will produce one kind of carcinogen. Many family customs explode food oil to deposit, uses repeatedly, this procedure to the body is harmful.

According to the stipulation, in one day of meals the heat energy which provides by the fat should account for entire day the heat energy total quantity 25% to 30%., but eats the child who frequently fries in oil food, every day the heat energy which provides by the fat surpasses the above target obviously, therefore very easy to appear obese. Has asthma's child regarding some, eats the pungent kind to fry in oil food frequently possibly to aggravate the condition.

Bad usual practice (2): The puffed food is unable to put down every day

The potato chips, the snow cake, shrimp strip these foods mostly take the bread flour, foods and so on millet and potato as raw material, the process fry in oil, the heating or the increase raising agent processing becomes. These puffed food taste is mostly tasty, the packing is novel, some also in Canada has the toy, the small picture album attracts the child vision. Fragrant, crisp, crisp, the sweet puffed food ate the tricky child's mouth, caused some children not to be willing not to eat how many fresh taste vegetables, did not hope the delicious full meal and so on, even treated as these foods the staple food, but some were also let matters drift to the child.

The puffed food has four high characteristics: Gao Tang minute, high fat, high quantity of heat and quite high monosodium glutamate content. In view of the fact that the puffed food will have four high characteristics, the child eats many excessively will destroy the nutrition to be balanced. Moreover the puffed food easy to create the full feeling, affects dines normally, will hinder the body to the nutrients absorption. Boils the system on the traditional fire pivot in the puffed rice, will also have the micro lead to enter in which. The expert suggested that to avoid the puffed rice and so on micro lead causing the harm to the child, first lets the child as far as possible little eat; Next, do not let the child as far as possible in empty stomach's time treats as fills in belly's thing to eat. Because in empty stomach's situation, the puffed rice and so on includes the lead is specially easy by the human body to absorb; Finally, the child eats the thing wants comprehensive somewhat as far as possible, do not foster eats between-meal snack the custom.

Bad usual practice (3): Is addicted to the food sweets and the sweet taste drink

Likes eating the sweets is each child's hobby. Many guardians reflected that the child likes generally eats the sweet taste the small dessert, the cold drink, the fruit juice and various between-meal snack, the following sweets syndrome also repeatedly occurs. The parents have not guided consciously, is the substantial clause.

Demonstrated in the investigation that the sweets and the meats are two kind of foods which the baby most likes eating, when its selectance respectively achieves 21.8% and 21%. in food which the choice likes, besides delicious, food flavor's quality is also the child likes, does not like the edible primary cause.

Now, the carbohydrate dessert and all kinds of between-meal snack feeling in the mouth are not only good, the packing is also very magnificent, has the enticement which regarding the child plants cannot block. However, eats the candy actually possibly to bring the energetic aspect for a long time to the child the hidden danger,homemade baby gift baskets, causes the child mood to be excited, concrete manifestation for prone to crying good noisy, likes having a fit of temper, moves actively, easy to be agitated.

Fudan University attached department of pediatrics hospital child care expert Xu Xiu indicated that regarding the sweets, was not said the child could not eat absolutely, but was should give a reasonable proportion. The nutritionist advocated, in child's recipes, protein, fat and carbohydrate (including carbohydrate dessert and between-meal snack) the proportion should maintain at 1�?�? level. At the same time, after meal eats the sweet snack is the best way, if before meal, ate to the full has instead affected the full meal appetite.

Bad usual practice (4): Does not have the breakfast hurriedly to go to school

Discovered in the investigation that baby's breakfast condition anxious .11.2% children are not have the breakfast every day. But 24.6% are because the parents work hours are tight, must hurry along, 3.9% children on the road, on the stall use the breakfast.

The child does not have the breakfast the reason to have several aspects, 58.5% children are because does not have the appetite, because 17.2% children want to hurry along without enough time, because 7.4% children in the time tight family make or the purchase without enough time, 0.2% child are to lose weight,unique baby gifts, but also some 16.6% children have other reasons.

And, more than half child does not have the appetite to have the breakfast, is mainly because of evening's between-meal snack, after the dinner as well as food other foods eats many excessively creates. Dinner excessive, the breakfast does not eat phenomenon continuously for a long time hence, not only will aggravate the child in the evening sleep's burden, will also affect the digestion, internal secretion. Because urges the child long high hormone is at night secretes, the time has been long, will affect the growth. But the breakfast does not eat, easy to cause the child daytime to attend class does not have the spirit, the attention not to be centralized, is too fond of sleep, affects the study.

Bad usual practice (5): The fries fast-food becomes the potluck

The fast-food is high salty food, contains the sodium to baby's heart, the kidney organ has the possibility to pose the threat. Babies and infants' kidney grows far immature, does not have ability to discharge in the blood excessively many sodium, will thus receive the excessive table salt the injury. But the age is more young, receives the injury is bigger.

Similarly, Gao Yan also causes one which of factors the blood pressure elevates. Now, ten several year-old child suffers from hypertension, these child some in babies and infants time Chang Chi the salty fast-food, like have fried in oil the potato chips, the sandwich or the biscuit and so on. Takes in the salinity to be excessively many, but also possibly causes in vivo potassium outflow, but potassium to human body muscle (including heart muscle) the contraction and the relaxation have the influential role, excessively many outflows will cause the heart muscle to be feeble, function decrease. The long-term high quantity of heat, the high-protein foods also possibly initiate child adult sickness and so on fatty liver.

The expert suggests the guardian, lets the child little have the fast-food as far as possible, specially do not use the fast-food to take the supper. Even if must eat, is also not suitable chooses the fries, fries in oil the animal meat contour salt, high fever food, but should choose the vegetables, Vitamin rich variety. As for the taste, encourages child as far as possible light somewhat.

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The life, must always have the worrying matter. The child goes to school, old person sees a doctor, the domestic dispute, the neighborhood dispute,kids clothes, the treatment is unfair, the rights and interests suffer injury ......

The reader seeks help

My request is not high

The kindergarten registration is every year's early June generally, but the previous month (at the beginning of April) had a mother the small phoenix (alias) to find Dan the Green Gang you to be busy at the column, hoped that the painting could look for the kindergarten in every month for hers daughter.

The small phoenix said that according to the normal condition, the daughter should in every month on the kindergarten middle shift, but because contracts the congenital heart disease (in medicine to be called first worry) in every month, the kindergarten was not full up as by has turned down take the name, was said that turned head long with the garden discussed did not have the message.

The small phoenix said that he can understand these rejection in every month kindergarten, but has undergone the surgery in every month, the surgery is also very successful,homemade birthday gifts for kids, and has the medicine which the hospital writes up to prove, proved may go to school in every month. Besides cannot participate in the strenuous exercise, the present state of health is very in every month good.

My request is not high, so long as had the kindergarten to admit suffices in every month. The small phoenix said.

Reporter visits

Is a lovable little girl in every month

The small phoenix is the Zhejiang Lishui person, husband Jiang Ming (alias) the native place in Anhui countryside, at present rents in the Jianggan District scenery fragrant three areas, the couple has a document printing society in Hang Chengkai.

Is in every month on August 29, 2006 in the Zhejiang University attached Shao Yifu hospital birth, the second day is found out contracts congenital heart disease - - pulmonary artery block system .2007 year in June, the couple delivers the Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical school attached Shanghai child medicine center to carry on every month the corresponding radical operation.

Is in every month a lovable little girl, about the stature 100 centimeters, the short hair, sees reporter, then on own initiative takes the Pinyin card elder brother, the elder brother (sound) ......Reads to reporter listens.

The small phoenix said that because could not enter the kindergarten in every month, also worried that she lost on the starting line, therefore bought many Pinyin, was literate the card, oneself could teach how many to teach how many.

If this year cannot go to school again, can only return to her native place Anhui to go ......Jiang Ming speaks the sound is getting more and more light.

Because is sick in every month, therefore the couple even more love her, the couple also decided that does not prepare to have two children temporarily. He said that is saving money diligently, but also wants to wait for the house price to get down in the future, prepares to buy a set of house to settle down in Hang Cheng.

The kindergarten is also very awkward

Can not receive, as far as possible does not receive

Afterward, reporter has visited the Hangzhou city 3 kindergartens (armor, the second grade, third), the armor garden has one at present in every month the child, is reading the middle shift; The second grade garden expressed before had received, but only in the morning study, noon guardian on jiehui family, lunch and midday nap not in kindergarten; The third garden has not bumped into this kind of child until now.

Three kindergartens indicated that (refers to exceptional child community) in every month regarding the child, the kindergarten also very much intertwines, very wants to help from the sentiment, but dares to receive not greatly.

Three kindergartens gave on with one voice successively reporter a class: The child is the special child in every month, but to present industry in said the mental handicap child and so on special groups also have the difference, also needs to protect specially, needs the special personnel fund equipment. But the present Hang Cheng kindergarten is generally 20 to 30 people, the existing teachers strength takes into consideration with difficulty radically, its demand also only then the government can undertake.

A chief to Reporter Tanzania Chen, if does not belong to the school district, can not receive, as far as possible does not receive.

Reporter involves

The related department grants please in every month do feel relieved

Similar in every month such exceptional child community, faces in the land is going to school the difficult problem.

The material demonstrated that at present Hangzhou only contracts autism's child population then not to be below 3000 people, and by every year 20% speed increase, if adds on the other type special crowd, is a big number.

Reporter further found that Hangzhou city the more well-known exceptional child community preschool education organization, has the Zhejiang Province disabled person to be restored to health at present the instruction center mental handicap (autism) the child recover center - - blue apple paradise (next to call blue apple paradise) with the Zhejiang civil administration recover center (original Zhejiang children with disabilities recover center, also said that Zhejiang loves lucky hospital).

The blue apple paradise is the entire province intelligence children with disabilities and the autism child is restored to health the technological resource center and the business management department, is specially 6 year-old below mental handicap, the autism, the brain paralysis, children and so on speech disorder provides the early recovery education, comprehensive services and so on family instruction. Loves the lucky hospital is a collection recovery, the medical service, special education, training, scientific research in a body's pure public welfare class welfare services organization.

But compares Beijing Shanghai and so on big city, Hangzhou face the exceptional child community's preschool education resources,baby dolls, obviously is also very deficient.

Reporter afterward many times with the related education Department responsible for the work feedback and the communication, the related department people in charge told reporter yesterday, might let the child go to nearby the kindergarten registration first, if is resisted, they will plan arrange, please in every month feel relieved.

If your child also belongs to the exceptional child community, similarly faces like such goes to school in every month the difficult problem, please relate with us.

- expert segment

The East China Normal university preschool education is psychological faculty working office Director Zhou Nian Li

The fusion education should raise the system stratification plane

The child definitely may in every month with on the other child same kindergarten,(Related Articleskids toys Welcomes the second technology to test H), but needs to fuse the education environment to support.

At present advocated that the exceptional child and the normal child accepts the early fusion education the thought not yet to form together, causes the nation hundreds of thousands to have the special need babies and infants to resist in the ordinary kindergartens and daycare centers organization wrong side of the door.

56 years ago, our topic-based group in a Shanghai kindergarten development early time fusion protection's and education's experiment, the result normal baby entered preschool the population to reduce half from the very beginning! Many normal child's guardians believed that own child and on the special groups child kindergarten, certain meeting progress or has not changed silly together. But afterward consummated the raise system lets the children grow very quickly, the guardian also gradually transformed the idea.

The safeguard fusion education both must at the most, and must vertical. Is at the most the government gives the policy support macroscopically; Vertical is kindergarten teacher, the guardian idea change.

At present makes the fusion to educate Beijing to have kindergarten 73, Shanghai 12. Hangzhou may cultivate several strength quite abundant main item kindergarten first, then eagerly anticipates other kindergartens by the main item kindergarten to attempt the early fusion education gradually.

Blue apple paradise person in charge Sun Aijun

The rescue recovery regards the fusion education

The special groups refer to the hearing, the body, the spirit, the vision and so on have of physical disabilities or illness, before needing the special care the person .6 years old, is the rescue recovery education best time, but the way regards in the kindergarten or the elementary school accepts the early fusion education.

Present stage Hangzhou becomes the scale to unfold the fusion education condition to be limited, but may organize by the Educational department, carries on kindergarten teacher to fuse the pedagogical knowledge training, may also be courtyard this training (various kindergartens organizes voluntarily), eliminates the kindergarten to every month the child and so on special groups child's resistance psychology, achieves is confident at heart.

What needs to pay attention, the fusion education is not absolutely mixes the education, the fusion education is the ordinary teacher and the special teacher each other cooperation, educates the student together. Teacher should concentrate the student ability raise, but deals with student's physiological barrier merely.

- links one

The early fusion education, is refers to lets have the special need babies and infants and the normal growth companion accepts the preschool education together. Started from the 1990s, the early fusion education already became the research area which some economically advanced countries and the area paid attention together. In these countries and the area, the early fusion's idea was already approved by the majority professionals, before and has formed the quite systematic study, protection and education theory and the development model.

- links two

when in 2001 national census, once to 0 to 6 year-old child single row sample investigation.

According to the investigation, at that time the nation in 0 to 6 year-old child had 1,395,000 person of children of physical disabilities, presently contracting rate is 1.362%, the discovery rate is 1.946%. nation increases every year 0 to 6 year old of children with disabilities the approximately 199,000 people. And Zhejiang Province 0 to 6 year old of intelligence disability approximately 25,100 people, autism approximately 0.459 people, energetic disability approximately 0.272 people, multiple disabilities approximately 0.85 people.

Monday, August 16, 2010

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In the kindergarten and the school grows up, the child premature hangs up the bus permit or rides boards the mountain bike, rushes about on the city street, drills into another centralized circle again from a seal's circle, the arduous schoolwork looks like the wolf to pursue the sheep, not only causes the time which they have not played, also reduced the opportunity which associates with the adult. But the media, the television for child's information, the star to their influence, actually goes far beyond the parents. The child basically has isolated with parents' work and the life, the parents are doing any them not to be clear, also does not understand parents' sweetness and bitterness. Is only out of curiosity, the parents only then occasionally lead them to visit their operational site, only stems from the courtesy, only then introduces to visit the paternal grandparents. Is precisely the peripheral environment seal, accomplished the grand duke to advocate peace the young emperor's bad habit.

In the past the people of father's generation 80% were goes to school, now only then 7% children are go to school. In order to enable the child then parents' hoping, the study time is excessively long, the average work requirement surpasses the national stipulation above a time. Generally elementary student besides on 6 classes, but must complete the teacher, the study time grand total is 10 54 hours, surpasses a national study time 6 hour stipulation greatly.

No matter the guardian are any occupation, mostly hoped that own children read a book. The student guardian's universal point of view is: Lets the child with it idle is doing other matters, was inferior that lets them do the schoolworkThe child does other matters, the guardian did not feel relieved,newborn girls clothes, only then does one's assignment, the academic record is good, but the most annoyed matter is the child academic record is bad.

Not difficult to imagine, this kind of point of view means what kind of pressure to the child. From the psychology angle analysis, this wrong education method, is to child's mental cruelty psych terror, it harms is bigger than far spoils spoils, even corporal punishment. The mental cruelty psych terror has many kinds of performance, when some guardians discovered when child's thought violates own will,baby gift, will warn, the threat, will expose shortcomings and so on ways to implement the pressure to the child, by uniform child. Also has disparages child's ability intentionally likely, like takes other child's merit to compare own child's shortcoming, this kind according to often uses the satire, taunts and so on forms, causes the child not to look that own merit, produce since childhood feels inferior consciousness.

The psychology research had indicated that a self-respect receives setback's child since childhood, will have in many psychological and the behavior barrier, such as the self-denial, will lack the compassion, anxious and so on psychological diseases, will grow up also with difficulty adapts the society.

3rd, protects excessively. The excessive protection causes present's young people certain physiologies, the psychological function degeneration. Some guardians go all out in the studies for oneself the child to pressurize at the same time, on the other hand as far as possible has created the very good condition for them in the life, this then causes present's child cerebrum to be developed, four extremities are incapable. In comfortable, facilitates, in young people human body's certain functions are degenerating gradually. Because they live the need is very easy to obtain satisfies, does not need to overcome any difficulties nearly. Does not need to pay, also has not developed, in the young people development process used in developing oneself ability opportunity like this to eliminate.

The adult laid down one stemming from the good desire for the next generation to be full of the sunlight and fresh flower's main road, hoped that they can start from here to move toward future bright future. But is like this often contrary to what expects, because this has violated the law of development which the child and the young people grow.

The modern psychology, the education, social sciences' research as well as the massive investigations indicated: If has neglected the healthy personality education and the raise, in the young people time in childhood, will even display many not indications, like we now will be teacher, the guardian will feel frequently on present's only child body has many problems, if will lack the independent viability, will support oneself consciousness difference,girls coats, the dependence is big; Works passively, negative, timid, appears very weak; Displays certain does not adapt the age feature behavior, has the psychology to back up the phenomenon; Adapts the new environment ability to be bad; Selfish, only strives for others attendance, will not care about other people; The social responsibilities are weak, the mood fluctuate in a big way, easy to carry too far and so on.

The child receives the limit are more, in the growth process, lacks for the preparation which and the test grows up does, then they the manner parents will be very in the future unqualified, will take an adult to feel is beset with difficulties. The family responsibility develops child's disposition, and prepares grown-up for them, but this kind of preparatory work not always is very successful. Our real care child? If cares about the child really, the standard should not be such unitary, should not only look at the score.

Therefore, we must change that kind to do the education for all-around development imposing, stresses the shopping online solidly the strange happening.

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Kindergarten several children,handmade baby gift ideas, after participating in the literary and art activities the whole face grow the red spot. The medical examination discovery,educational toddler toys, they are because of use the adult cosmetics to receive the stimulation. The expert pointed out that the adult cosmetics use on the child body possibly become have the narcotics,baby gift, after the baby showers, best throws some talcum powder, the floral water which the child summer uses should better not contain the ethyl alcohol.

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Studies the difficulty, is because the attention has not developed. Therefore famous study front door. Therefore, trains baby's attention is teacher and the baby early time (1-2 years old)

Growth outline:

This time's baby from crawls the staircase or the furniture to walks independently, may play soccer, can slightly run, and even both feet jumps;

Can knock, pushes, turn over object, then nesting object;

From attempts itself to eat meal, will pour water to later with the cup does not sprinkle, will like itself taking a bath;

Will turn the page to read, can read the drawing to amount to for several seconds, then may distinguish 2 or the above object;

Is first puts the different thing on the same place,baby accessories, discovered that the new function, later can draw the object and the animal, has the color difference, and can note between the object the difference, but also likes itself arranging the story.

Recommendation game:

1. wears the hat

This is a pair game, the baby early time (2-3 years old)

Growth outline:

Will ride the baby carriage

Free will twist off or twists the cover

Can remember object in room position

The vocabulary reaches above 200, can say that contains several characters the sentences

The mercurial mood, will have a friend (security sense origin)

Has soon after the food concept, will solve the problem, will have the digital concept, will classify

Can do basically according to adult's request

Map-read self-explanation question

Recommendation game:

1. passes on the intimate conversation

2 year-old big child is in a stew specially to the intimate conversation, when they can speak the intimate conversation, they can be very proud. Said that the intimate conversation can the effective help baby focus the attention, meanwhile is helpful in the baby studies is adjusting the intonation.

Concrete method nimble diverse, for instance we tell the child low voice first a few words: In the refrigerator has the watermelon and the apple, does not have the drink. Then lets the child tell other family member with the intimate conversation form, inspects the accuracy again afterward, changes the intimate conversation according to the result the content and the length, gradually enhances game's difficulty from Yi Daonan.

2 meet the number game

Preparation: Digital card. When game, the guardian shows 1-10 digital cards, the child looked, reads out the digit one by one. First understood that digital the arrangement, and deepens its impression. Then sets the request, the guardian says several integers, the child then downward counts with guardian equally many numbers, for example: Guardian several 1,2,3, child several 4,baby gift,5,6; The guardian several 6,7, after the child goes several 8,9. child will play,unique baby gifts ideas, may let the child count first, the guardian will meet the number.

What needs to explain, the reader friend do not the game park which recommends for me, many game like polarizations of rich and poor, look differently, and so on is very better than the length, hoped that everybody can display own ability and wisdom to create a more amusing more beneficial game. Article/Meng Qian

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The communication barrier comes from this kind of difference, solves the contradictory means to have two, first, assigns for daddy suits his mothering duty. Second, more tolerant and understood mutually.

Daddy most likes seeing baby's smiling face, mother to excel with the child to contact intimately.

When is together with the child, daddy and mother have the excelling at domain respectively.

Regarding daddy, child's happy expression is the biggest drive, therefore the outdoor activity, plays and takes a bath these work to give daddy.

The child happy and the excited expression can urge in daddy's cerebrum to produce one material - - dopamine, it can let daddy's cerebrum be excited, therefore has the vigor game or follows the tense feeling work for instance to take a bath, is daddy excels. The child is more excited, daddy more feels receives the inspiration, therefore is also willing the see after children.

But mother compares excels to have the intimate contact attendance behavior, for instance roars the child to sleep. At the same time, the pitocin will urge mother as far as possible many and the child is intimate, on the other hand mother's flesh touch will also surpass daddy, this will cause the intimate contact to bring a happier feeling for mother.

Daddy does not like the convention, the trivial attendance behavior, mother does not excel with the child maintains the suitable distance.

The masculine hormone can urge daddy to seek the stimulation and the change unceasingly! He most does not excel is the conventional attendance, for instance roars rests, trades the diaper and so on, these will lack the change the daily minor matter to let daddy feel specially senselessly.

Is different what with right cerebral daddy,funny baby bibs clothes, to left cerebral mother,baby girls, maintains with the child the distance is very difficult, so long as separates a while with the child, she can worry very much.

To daddy, the child is the game partner or the competitor, but mother actually more regards the child attached in her, needs to love small life.

Regarding daddy,homemade star wars kids costumes, the child is not only the object which look, time are many he regards as easily the child the partner which plays together. Moreover, the male competitive spirit is very strong, regardless in is assorted at the matter to hope that branches out a right and wrong black and white, even if therefore faces the child, daddy will also have certain competitive spirit. This all sorts of performance are under the masculine testosterone function results.

After the female turns mother, in vivo hormone can stimulate her to raise the child the instinct. In addition, mother likes through the flesh contact expressing itself to the child love Italy, therefore always likes embracing the baby.

Daddy hoped that mother cares about herself, but mother actually through at present sees the matter, judges daddy to be whether qualified.

Right cerebral daddy usually does not excel at the language performance, even if feels grateful to mother, also very little uses the mouth to say. Daddy's competitive spirit is very in addition strong, he always felt after having the child, the child mother more and more did not place oneself on the heart.

Left cerebral mother does not look at matter's integrity frequently, but always rigid in occurs at present matter, for instance daddy does not listen to his words, does not trade the diaper to the child, he is not good daddy. From other angle, helps mother the see after children to let mother the appraisal enhance greatly to daddy.

Daddy thought that the child has been almost good, but mother actually cares about the child growth footsteps bit by bit.

Daddy not too cares about the child grow the speed, therefore by one kind almost might the point of view will protect the child, but will therefore also neglect many details, but will not excel at the language exchange the characteristic letting mother regarding the quite a lot veiled criticism.

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In the communication, you are unable to understand the child more and more: Is this child how getting more and more repugnant I? Actually, each children longed for that obtains guardian's care and the caress, but young adult realizes the appearance which causes him often to display is not willing to accept,cool kids clothing, especially does not like the security! Thus it can be seen, regarding the care words, communicates, but, only then 6 year-old son unexpectedly has had a fit of temper,real baby dolls, said that daddy encroaches upon his right of privacy. You and gentleman look at each other in blank diamay, take measures without the plan.

Fact and result

The guardian lays down the figure, wants to say with the child speaks frankly, finally, actually discovers and child's distance is getting more and more far. What's all this about? Actually, is not strange,baby gift basket supplies, along with kid's growth gradually, you will discover, his innermost feelings' secret have been getting more and more, sometimes, will use the rumor to dodge your care.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

little girls clothes Chinese fashionable clothing week 09 10 fall winter series schedule

    Date time content main Responsible unit place

    On March 24

    On Tuesday 10 锔?00RUBii fine jades start an undertaking compared to the youth the education program press conference China Brilliance Science and technology Foundation, Ou Difen Group International Central University of Nationalities Wen Hualou report the hall

    14 锔?00 Chinese international fashionable clothing week interview media registration registers Chinese international fashionable clothing week media center D , PARK Beijing office B place hall

    15 锔?30 Chinese international fashionable clothing week opening ceremony

    Up to Chinese silks prize 17th China international young designer fashionable clothing work big game China international fashionable clothing week organization committee

    China Dress designer Association, Chinese silks (international) Group D , the PARK first workshop

    17 锔?30 17th session of Chinese silks prize entertainment cocktail party China International Fashionable clothing Week Organization committee, the Chinese silks (international) Group D , the PARK library does not arrest the lecture room

    north 20 锔?30 Pulaimu 09/10 fall winter furs fashion trend release conference national capital abundant concerted effort business Limited company D , the PARK first workshop

    On March 25

    On Wednesday 13 锔?00 central Fine arts academy 09 fashionable clothing graduate work release conference central Fine arts academy designs the institute Sanlitun VILLAGE orange hall

    15 锔?00 Chen Juanhong ,little girls clothes, triumphant Leahy fashionable clothing release conference Beijing triumphant Leahy fashion modelclothes model professional manager school D , the PARK first workshop

    16 锔?30 Ou Difen cups

    2009 Chinese underwear element innovative design big game press conference China dress designer association, Ou Difen Group International D , the PARK library does not arrest the lecture room

    18 锔?00 Tsinghua University Fine arts academy 2009 session of graduate fashion design work release conference Tsinghua University Fine arts academy D , the PARK first workshop

    20 锔?30NOTTING the HILL fashionable men's clothing release conference depends on the article enterprise group Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    On March 26

    On Thursday 12 锔?00 Le Xiang, water 6th session of vast sand cup China swim suit design big game news

    Issues China Dress designer Association up to 2009 spring summer swim suit new style

    Vast sand international (Hong Kong) limited company Beijing Hotel A place

    2 building multi-purpose halls

    14 锔?00 prestige silk graceful 2009 China knitting fashion design big game China dress designer association

    Prestige silk graceful clothing limited liability company Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    16 锔?30 18th Chinese Vyse cup leisure installs really counts the big game press conference

    Designs the outstanding person up to the Vyse cup to meet the member work really to perform China Dress designer Association

    Real Vyse international (Hong Kong) Limited company D , PARK central hall

    17 锔?30 meters still vs the FTV fashionable music sent to Beijing rice still clothing Limited company D , the PARK first workshop

    19 锔?00 meters still fashionable clothing release conference Beijing rice still clothing Limited company D , the PARK first workshop

    On March 27

    Friday 10 锔?30 Beijing Clothing Institute 2009 session of graduates design the work release conference Beijing Clothing Institute Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    12 锔?00 fashionable stone lion - - China leisure clothing famous city press conference Shishi people's government

    Chinese international fashionable clothing week media center Beijing hotel A place

    2 building multi-purpose halls

    14 锔?00 like ascending the fort 09/10 fall winter China commerce leisure men's clothing fashion trend release conference to like ascending the fort (China) the Limited company

    China Dress designer Association Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    15 锔?302009 China (Qingdao) international fashionable clothing week press conference Qingdao people's government

    China Dress designer Association D , the PARK library does not arrest the lecture room

    17 锔?00Lea Seong , high-quality fashionable clothing release conference Shanghai is triumphant trade Limited company D , the PARK first workshop

    18 锔?30 Jordan cup 4th China movement equipment design big game news

    Issues China Dress designer Association up to 09/10 fall winter sportswear, Jordan (China) the limited company Beijing Hotel A place

    2 building multi-purpose halls

    20 锔?302009 Marisfrolg spring summer fashionable clothing release conference Shenzhen Ma silk Feir fashionable clothing limited company Beijing hotel banquet hall

    On March 28

    Saturday 12 锔?00 Chinese international female attire designer grand prize contest press conference China dress designer association

    Hangzhou silk and female attire industrial development leading group Beijing Hotel A place

    2 building multi-purpose halls

    14 锔?00 Bosideng 09/10 fall winter China coldproof clothing fashion trend release conference Bosideng international holding Limited company

    China Dress designer Association Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    15 锔?00 rising suns turn into ,gifts for kids, China fashion designer creativity big prize press conference China international fashionable clothing week organization committee

    The Japanese rising sun turns into the joint-stock company

    The Japanese rising sun turns into the textile joint-stock company Beijing Hotel A place

    18 building banquet halls

    16 锔?302010 spring summer international ready-made clothing fashion trend course China International Fashionable clothing Week Organization committee

    Paris Liluo di Design office D , the PARK library does not arrest the lecture room

    18 锔?00Cabbeen , Cabeen 09/10 fall winter men's clothing release conference Cabeen clothing (China) Limited company D , the PARK first workshop

    20 锔?30 rising suns turn into , China fashion designer creativity big prize

    - - Liu Yong work release conference China International Fashionable clothing Week Organization committee

    The Japanese rising sun turns into the joint-stock company

    The Japanese rising sun turns into the textile joint-stock company Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    On March 29

    On Sunday 11 锔?30 pure brands will create in the future the press conference Zhejiang University of Science and Technology clothing institute, the Zhejiang standard and the clothing limited company Beijing Hotel A place

    2 building multi-purpose halls

    13 锔?30 Zhejiang University of Science and Technology 2009 session of graduate fashion design work release conference Zhejiang University of Science and Technology clothing institute,baby gift, Zhejiang standard and clothing limited company Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    15 锔?30 China international fashion designer big game press conference China spinning and weaving newspaper office, Shaoxing County people's government D , the PARK library does not arrest the lecture room

    16 锔?30 Shi Jie designs work room opening ceremony Hangzhou to execute the fashionable clothing Limited company outstanding

    Beijing executes outstanding fashion design work room D , PARK the C place

    Shi Jie designs the work room

    17 锔?30 outstanding outstanding fashionable clothing release conference Hangzhou executes the fashionable clothing Limited company outstanding leisurely

    Beijing executes outstanding fashion design work room D , the PARK first workshop

    18 锔?307 wolf , diplomat fashion Sharon evening banquet China Dress designer Association

    Seven wolf industry limited liability company Beijing Hotel A place

    2 building multi-purpose halls

    20 锔?307 wolf , Saint wass international designer series 09 fall winter release conference seven wolf industry limited liability company Beijing Hotel banquet hall

    On March 30

    Monday 17 锔?00 Italian brand PACIOTTI 4US fashionable clothing release conference Italy foreign trade committee

    CESARE PACIOTTI fashionable clothing company D , the PARK first workshop

    20 锔?00Lotto 2009 move brand release conference Le Tud at will , the PARK 79 pots

    The above active arrangement finally announces the program take the Chinese International Fashionable clothing Week Organization committee as a standard.

green baby gift baskets [corps]The SGC veteran coming back to life member reorganizes Vanity to figh

Along with SGC dismissal, before new DotA corps also bred live .SGC, member MartinWarlogZima little while ago to set up new DotA corps Vanity.DotA, oneself will take the new corps party chief.

This troop before SGC member IanIacekHruza and MarcelFaUSPospisil, the first eSuba.DotA member PetrcraNichMeluz铆n and TomasTOnciSitko, Warlog in the reality good friend GregorSubrndmKaclik altogether 6 people are composed in addition.

This troop will substitute for SGC on the GosuCup place, simultaneously,green baby gift baskets, they will also be seeking for the new sponsor.

MartinWarlogZima: When SGC dismisses, I, Iacek and the FaUS decision continues to hit the occupation, therefore we tried to look for the contestant who some suited our troop. After a period of time's contact,infant baby clothes, Tonci and the craNich decision joins us. We in future competition greatest endeavor,girls coats, simultaneously we hope to be able with each big strong team competition.

Vanity.DotA member name list:

MartinWarlogZima (party chief)

award winning toddler toys My national mourning business's internationalization explores the way

    Near two year Chinese clothing is blustery, although China has not gotten rid makes the great nation the laurel crown, but already had some brands to start after all internationally budding.

    Outwardly refined and inwardly intelligent

    in 2006, Xie Feng took along Giffen to step up to Paris fashionable clothing week T, lets the Parisian who nitpicked in every possible way to the fashion hold in high esteem; Yang Ziming took along Cabeen to jump up New York fashionable clothing week stage, let the Chinese style the leisure conquer New York fashionable clothing; Has again, counts the article wave to benefit the court attendant hand in hand, fights Milan fashionable clothing week. They have two general character, its one, is steps up to the different international fashionable clothing week the first Chinese brand, this says regarding the Chinese clothing, is having the epoch-making commemoration significance, regarding the Chinese fashion public figure, has the inspired inspiration function; Next, they are the classical brands which wins total victories in the domestic market. Giffen already is strikes root in the hearts of the people by it in the design maturity in the Chinese fashionable clothing domain's status, Cabeen's leisure attire, is holds the unreplaceable small space in young people's mind, favorable court attendant's commercial leisure, also becomes one which of brands the Chinese white-collars can not but pay attention. They make the backing by the strength, has fired into the international scene boldly, therefore, outwardly refined and inwardly intelligent is their true picture.

    Although, a Xiu cannot represent road's of the brand internationalization success, but,award winning toddler toys, we can not but acknowledge, it means in the future successful setting sail. The brand is a resident buyer in the domestic market strength, the well-known designer holds under the plate, the internationalization breaks through fights appears naturally is confident, takes the Chinese brand internationalization development by them to explore the way the cutting edge, not only lets the international fashion see the Chinese brand's brand-new prospects for development, were give China the fashion the reserve force to make the model.

    The characteristic is Ying    

    Regardless of being Giffen, favorable court attendant, Cabeen, Shanghai, they can be before other brands one step go out the entrance to a country, obtains the success is stems from a same spot - - to have oneself personalization style. For example Shanghai this brand, in domestic, exquisite craft, the profound concept, the historical inheritance's culture, has these Chinese type style brand to continue, that takes Shanghai, is how develops the brand style and the management the successful union, pastes on the luxury goods for the brand the label, and can realize the alliance world second big name brand group? According to Rafe leisurely (Raphael le Masne) gentleman summarizes, this stems from two big factors which Shanghai has: First, beginning the brand establishes the pure China. Beginning Shanghai established from 1994, is located by founder Deng Yongqiang is a pure Chinese-style suit brand. He gathered specially from 20 shiji chu Shanghai tailor skilled worker who manual was well-known by exquisite tailoring allied the brand, annotated incisively by the fine Chinese dress the old Shanghai the 30s's romantic character and style.

    Other spot is the brand to own style courageous reforming. Shanghai from 1994 - 2001, maintained throughout at the beginning of the establishment brand the localization and the design style. This stage Shanghai had not had the international competition strength operation way, must walk the globalization, the marketability path must innovate. What incumbent Shanghai's Chief Creative Officer's Joanne Ooi at that time straight reprimanded Shanghai to walk is the wrong route, she stressed that the Chinese-style suit should be the internationalization, the modernization life style expression, but is not limits to the Chinese unearthed element display. Therefore, Rafe enlists the services of her to serve under somebody's banner leisurely holds the post creates inspector general. Design style and market localization significant transition, also becomes Shanghai to move toward the successful another big magic weapon.

    The Chinese clothing brand will move toward the international time to be very long, moves toward the international road to be very also long, has these to walk in the Chinese brand front internationalization explores the way the cutting edge, believed that their advancement and will become the field attention throughout in the future the focal point, simultaneously, we even more anticipated that will have more domestic brands to go out the entrance to a country, will open has the creativity and the competitive power internationalization development steps to success!

    The channel subdues    

    in 2007 soon ended one day, Ningbo elegant Chairman Gore group, president Li Rucheng announced that elegant Gore already succeeded completes (i.e. KWD) the company has served under somebody's banner the men's clothing core business department - - new horse clothing group to American Famous Large-scale Clothing Enterprise Kellwood the merger and acquisition.

    The authoritative source believed that this merger and acquisition, elegant Gore buys by 120,000,000 US dollar net assets prices. Through this merger and acquisition, elegant Gore will obtain the new horse group to distribute in Sri Lanka, Philippine and the Chinese Guangdong, Jilin, places the such as Shenzhen 14 production bases, including the POLO, Calvin Klein more than 20 brand's ODM processing services, has Nautica, Perry Ellis and so on 5 authorized permission brand as well as has dozens of year international brand management and the design experience's outstanding team, understands the US several hundred Department store sales network the marketing channel, a guarantee goods smooth inflow Department store's formidable physical distribution system.

    Before completing this merger and acquisition, the elegant Gore market mainly concentrates in does not have quota Japan, every year produces in the product has 60% to sell to Japan, 20% sell to Europe, but because of the quota limit, sells to US's product to be few.

    New horse group CEO the Xu statical wave introduced that the clothing enterprise 60% costs come from the lining, the achievement do not have the lining production enterprise, the new horse group's development has been restricted, therefore he favors this merger and acquisition the prospect, many enterprise's merger and acquisitions, were do not look at many too direct benefits in the same year, but our cost's reduction, the benefit enhancement will have in 2008 manifests.

    After the merger and acquisition completes, elegant Gore in domestic and foreign has 43,000 staffs, the year production working capacity reaches 80,000,000, becomes the world biggest clothing Production enterprise. However, this is not elegant Gore most regards. In the traditional industry domain, the competition is day by day intense, the enterprise competition already was not the sole product competition, but was the entire profession entire industry chain's competition.

    Through the merger and acquisition, elegant Gore (primitive design manufacturer) has processed the service to more than 20 well-known brand ODM,infant baby clothes, has Nautica, Perry Ellis and so on five authorized permission brand; Has dozens of year experience's international brand management and the design experience's apex team; Understands the US several hundred Department store's marketing channel; Guaranteed that these products flow in this Department store's formidable physical distribution system smoothly. This has consummated the elegant Gore industrial chain link and in the global market layout greatly without doubt.

    The overseas open a shop    

    Purchases differently with elegant Gore, Bosideng has arrived directly the shop the overseas.

    at the end in 2007, the Bosideng men's clothing develops the European market and Grimm Woods signs the strategy cooperative agreement .2008 years officially on September 23, two Bosideng men's clothing exclusive agency in started doing business in Britain, founds the Chinese Independent Men's clothing Brand Exclusive agency to land the European market the beginning.

    These two exclusive agencies are located at the British suffolk county and Lincolnshire's lively street separately, 200 square meters exclusive agencies by the bright shop image, the elegant assortment display, the fashionable sample demonstrated that highlights the Bosideng men's clothing charm. The Bosideng men's clothing rushes out road of the production and marketing power-and-power union, with the aid of the world-famous chain-like sales brand, enters the European market by the independent brand, set up the model for the more Chinese clothing brand grab international market.

    In recent years, the Bosideng men's clothing sped up the internationalization step, invites France non-periodically, South Korea, places famous designer on-the-spot guidance such as Hong Kong, details the outstanding designer to go to France many times, Italy inspects the study, attends the international specialized exhibition, the collection popular information, the absorption art nutrient,designer kids clothes, the conformity international fashion trend and the national tradition element, seeks the Chinese clothing brand to advance to way of the internationalization, and cooperates with the world famous design company, in Shanghai, places establishment such as Guangzhou designs the work room, the application international most front design idea, the promotion product scale and the competitive power.

    in 2005, at the Chinese international clothing exposition, the Bosideng men's clothing and British Grimm Woods becomes a buddhist get to know, in the past the Bosideng men's clothing moved into Grimm officially by the independent brand the Woods special counter. Grimm Woods is the men's clothing chain-like brand which the British Hansen group serves under somebody's banner. The short 3 years, the Bosideng men's clothing enhances with steady steps in the British market's sales volume, always sells broke through 200,000.