Sunday, September 5, 2010

unique monogrammed baby gifts [interview] LucifroN Disappointed will continue to oneself in the ESWC

    Guidance: One year ago ESWC,unique monogrammed baby gifts, Spanish apex evil spirit beastly contestant LucifroN arrived at his professional profession mountain peak. The interspace strives for hegemony 2 test phase time, we saw his form. In 2010 ESWC world finals' stage, he has been eliminated in the second stage. After the game we have carried on an interview to him.

    Q: Just you again lost to Grubby to cause to be unable group going beyond a line, now your mood how?
    LucifroN: I felt that loses very much. However, I to oneself not any expectation, because I have been playing the interspace to strive for hegemony now 2., although I a little lose now, but I already estimated the defeat.

    Q: What goal before the game have you settled for yourself?
    LucifroN: I hoped that displays I best, the goal certainly is first three. However you will not think that now that was the goal which I could achieve.

    Q: You have carried on the massive trainings before the game?
    LucifroN: Have carried on 4,5 hour trainings every day in June 21 to 28 between I.

    Q: After you leave the electricity competes, you when study also specially will pay attention to the electricity to compete?
    LucifroN: I will continue to pay attention to the electricity to compete. Certainly, first I will continue to keep the university to study, but I will use my spare time to attend some competitions. Next step attends September's BlizzCon competition.

    Q: Strives for hegemony in 2 competitions before many interspace, you display are splendid, after why you, has faded out?
    LucifroN: Possibly I have unfolded me good in some competitions at the same time, what afterward I stopped the training for is can a better wholly-absorbed study. To afterward, I even stopped striving for hegemony 2 trainings to the interspace, therefore has not been able to attend some competitions.

    Q: When you prepare participates in BlizzCon the competition,girls' shoes, you will again also play the interspace to strive for hegemony 2?
    LucifroN: Yes, certainly.

    Q: What is your next competition's goal, is being accepted plays in the finals?
    LucifroN: I want to obtain competition's first three.

    Q: You after will seek for corps to join?
    LucifroN: , I will have a look whether to have the good corps. If any I will join, if no I will treat in clanlos.

    Q: Ask after you, whether can spend more time,unique baby gifts make, in the interspace strives for hegemony on 2, looks like about one year ago you so to be infatuated with in the evil spirit beast is the same?
    LucifroN: This is decided in me spends the how much time in university's studies,(Related Articlesbaby socks Can the use computer whether embryo be), I believed that I will have the enough time to train promote my level. Certainly I also need to wait for that has a look at the situation the development.

    Q: Thanks you to accept our visit.

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