Saturday, September 4, 2010

trendy baby girl clothes [road of the mother's milk] difficult nurses the road happily

Just plenilune daughter

Old people said that in the time of childbirth is under the milk best time, is in effect it is not so, my many sisters were the child 45 month breast milk instead are good. After element birth, in hundred days the breast milk not too has been good, the powdered milk female infant name half-and-half is feeding the child. In the time of childbirth because of the family trivial matters, the post-natal bodily weak I serious post-natal depression, the mood has not been good skin disease - - eczema! At that time presses me not to be able to ventilate quickly. The element father looks that I become emaciated day-by-day, let me be weaned to the child, the mother's milk is any formula milk has no way to substitute, has rejected the element father's proposition resolutely. The child just 37 days, we then together had returned to Beijing.
After returning to Beijing, in time of childbirth sickness was much better,(Related Articles[before mother rests, talks on endlessly] the family to have the pleasant to hear lullaby), but the spirit was still very frail. The element father is very careful patiently serves me. The child 100 weather, the element father wanted to go to go to work, my was bringing the element, must prepare food, must help the child to do laundry, this was busy, the spirit has been good, the breast milk were also naturally many, to did not need the powdered milk also to suffice the element unexpectedly finally to eat. Ha-ha ......A big achievement! Is eczema not good,trendy baby girl clothes, is serious when from top to bottom does not have a place is good, the child breast milk has sufficed, also on, no matter that many 0.5 month-long small element should add the supplementary food, side old person said that the milk suffices to eat, six months add again may also. Added the supplementary food element element digestion not to be good,baby toiletries, when seven months caught up with the autumn abdomen to release (element grandmother on mother's side to accompany me to bring three month elements at that time). This, the good sickness good has continued for three months. Mother said that was weaned to the child eats the staple food to be good completely, looks the child always caused the abdomen because of the dyspepsia to release, how enabled me to give up just nine month-long element elements. 11 months, the friends said that is weaned to the element, the element comparison is obedient,fashion kids shoes, does not select food, is the stomach is not too good, eats hard slightly, ate the multi-spots not to be able to digest, each only could eat six point full to her, will be unable to imagine does not have mother's milk baby what kind of 0.1 years old, the element stomach already became many, usually ate the mother's milk quantitative change to be big, the appearance was very greedy, looks that her appearance, actually felt at heart was very happy. Thinks, to time which is weaned, one has wanted to arrive at an element year old of three month, wanted the idea to be weaned truly to her.

The first evening: I come back specially with the element father very late, mother spoke of the sack time, the element did not stop gets out of bed, is crying hers small quilt, the small mattress will cry one to put on the bed one to go against on to the end, very bothersome dry, mother was good every night according to me for the element shop's appearance shop, the element only then the very pitiful eye tearful went to sleep.
The second daytime: I when home the element wants not to stop must nurse, mother wiped the soy sauce to the breast on tells element paternal grandmother to go bad, mother hurt ..........Element two are staring, cries very crookedly loudly, how to roar also cannot fool ......
The third daytime: I am not at the home, usually wanted to nurse, the eye looks at the entrance, between lips is being called mother, mother, did not stop at home walks back and forth, saw suddenly my clothes on the bed, the kid very excited ran take go against on, happily ha-ha straight happy ......
The fourth daytime: Was also yesterday, mother spreads once more soy sauce on the breast, the similar method, this also cried actually not to look like previous time such could not fool, the element did not have the breast milk to drink unwillingly, will have raised clothes has a look, to have a look dirty also, on the face the expression was very painful, between lips also sent out: wu, breathes out ......wu, breathes out ......The sound, looked that she namely loves dearly me not willingly galley proof really some not sheds, when back and forth 56 times I again let she eats, the element on own initiative with clothes covers paternal grandmother. The supper element must have a small bowl of food, evening can rest steadfastly, yesterday, the element father was her who she most liked eating not to be interested, did not eat does not drink, flings the microcheiria not to stop in the room transfers, I knew that she has been hungry, noon usually only has drunk a yogurt, I boiled the small stuffed dumpling to her she not to be willing again to eat, do not have the means that in the summer feared the child to get angry, baby's health was most important, I have cleaned, the element has only eaten several, the stuffed dumpling which boiled me completely has eaten, must know thatBut the nearly 30 small stuffed dumplings, after finishing eating, but also has drunk the probably 50 milliliters water. Crossed this summer, certainly is weaned to the daughter, certain ......Does not stop at heart is thinking, likes the element coaxing the wool the small head to grip the feeling which nurses to the bosom ......Ha-ha ......Element recent photo

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