Sunday, September 5, 2010

kids clothing 6.67 small fish people leave install cut into to the line and the group war

The small fish person's skill no longer gives unnecessary detail in here,(Related Articlesbaby dolls The parents please squat down and the c), if everybody did not understand, arrives at the topic to stand flips casually, so long as is small fish person's capturing, mostly has introduced that its initial attribute as well as the growth, below gives everybody simply under the analysis the small fish person's merit and the shortcoming:

Said the shortcoming first:

1st, the growth difference, is not only agile or the strength, refers to the measurements, three kind of attributes grow miss, the difference to lets the human be able not but to consider that supports the blood brace to attack the fast brace intelligence the situation.

2nd, outputs not stably, does not have may deny, three skill shifting to a new command are the masterstrokes, but this request small fish person wants to walk A, takes a close combat to be agile, this difficulty is big.

3rd, kills ability to have only insufficient, is close in the opposite some heroic rank and the equipment, the volume of blood maintains at 3/4 above time, the small fish person takes independent ganker, kills only very difficultly it.

Said the shortcoming, the merit:

1st, four skills are the NB skill, 1 skill and the big move escape the murder to be very practical, 2 skills may take the small scope AOE belt wire brush money, may the detachment negative black magic effect (key lie in detachment dusting), three skills are the output core skills, particularly reduces opposite party attribute, the ash is often important.

2nd, four skills, namely the big move, has guaranteed the small fish person's survival ability and the output capacity, also enables the small fish person to have the natural meat shield's ability, for instance,kids clothing, half blood's time opens the big move, may return to blood 2%/3%/4%*5 in 5s, take 11 levels as the example, does not calculate own chapter of blood speed, opens a big move to be possible to return to 15% volumes of blood, if the hypothesis this time the small fish person life value is 1000, then the small fish person may reply 150 volumes of blood.

3rd, takes the superiority road, the teammate elects an auxiliary hero to guarantee the small fish person, such small fish person has the greatly strengthened on-line ability, may also get up for its later period tiger builds the foundation.

Synthesized the above shortcoming and the merit, how chats in the small fish person actual combat should simply to use.

First is clear about a spot, a small fish person gram hero: Is the strength hero. Some people said bitterly frequently how the small fish person does output how misses, that is because how you don't understand use the small fish person, spoke the sentence proverb, is the good steel uselessly to the knife edge on. The small fish person as a result of its three skill's existence, may say that is the strength hero's natural enemy. The strength hero's universal characteristic is: The strength grows high, the intelligence grows lowly. The small fish person may rely on two strength attributes which each time attacks transfers (also to be possible to understand to attach 38 injuries), (this may cause strength hero some crucial with an intelligence skill, for instance roams about corona, causes its blue insufficient 140 spots, but causes to be unable to use skill). Therefore said that the small fish person projects in the strength hero body is most painful.

The second spot: On-line, small fish person on-line most likes the hero who matches is CM, does not have one, next has lion, lich, vs and so on long-distance to have the AOE corona technique or the deceleration technique hero. Matches CM the reason is CM has one to control a deceleration, decelerates first-level has the 5S scope to decelerate, moreover also has freezes the control, this causes the possibility which the small fish person on wired outputs continually. Moreover the CM corona helps enormously regarding the small fish person. Next lion and lich basic likewise, lion is also as a result of its two outstanding offensive control skill, lich is the deceleration likewise.

Talks about on-line to be able not but to chat the small fish person's murder technique, I like rising a way am 3122242 Huang Dianhuang Huang Dianhuang 0.4, this kind rises a way I not to request you to be the same with me, you do not want to discuss not equally with my me with you, each people have own view, I do not demand you, you do not come here to scold me. My this kind rises the way only difference to lie in the first two levels to rise an order, if passer-by, then a first-level study skill, if opens black, as soon as suggests the first-level study three skills, the coordination to faint a deceleration, may quite easy attain a blood. Returns to-line, the small fish person does not suggest in the list, did not suggest that the single inferiority road, did not suggest the double inferiority road, does not suggest in the pair, did not suggest that single superiority road, good,gag gifts for kids, I said that these many is only to stress, the small fish person only suits the double superiority road to guarantee auxiliary. If guarantees you were I said a moment ago heroes and so on cm, lion, lich which, the small fish person might pull suitably wildly,popular kids toys, for master the high-grade, such master relied on the high-grade stable black magic injury to add on long-distance Pu to attack, the coordination pulled wildly the small fish person who went out from the wild area, through the deceleration skill, enabled a small fish person's skill to have detains opposite party possibility, then the coordinate small fish person's two skills as well as Pu attacked, might quite easy strike kills opposite party.

The third spot: To the line time, 10min-20min, this time section suggestion small fish person still will keep from now on superiority road farm (, because small fish person relies on high-grade and superiority equipment), lets one's own side protect own auxiliary to leave suitably walks randomly, this time, because the small fish person makes up the knife through the first ten minutes and strikes kills, the rank equipment has the big superiority, in the overall scene power balance's situation, opposite party any hero does not have ability basically and you consumes mutually to the line takes up a collection. I suggested that in this period of time small fish person continues to remain on online takes up a collection, splits out the following equipment: The artificial leg (may agile be possible strength), temple, poor devil shield, spatial Ming Zhang (, in one's own side does not have in the cm situation, in the future to synthesize ASTER to prepare), two or a department belt.

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